A Hope in the Unseen: An American Odyssey from the Inner City to the Ivy League Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ron Suskind
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Hope in the Unseen: An American Odyssey from the Inner City to the Ivy League Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ron Suskind
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the A Hope in the Unseen: An American Odyssey from the Inner City to the Ivy League Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Cedric's college roommate?
(a) Stephen White.
(b) Phillip Atkins.
(c) David Brown.
(d) Rob Burton.

2. Who is the principal at Ballou Senior High?
(a) Richard Washington.
(b) Marion Barry.
(c) Cedric Jennings.
(d) Andrew Taylor.

3. What is Cedric's birth date?
(a) July 24, 1977.
(b) July 24, 1979.
(c) April 24, 1977.
(d) December 24, 1977.

4. How many white students attend Ballou?
(a) 100.
(b) 25.
(c) 563.
(d) None.

5. Who has offered to tutor Cedric before he retakes the SATs in October?
(a) Rev. Keels, a science teacher.
(b) Mr. Taylor, the chemistry teacher.
(c) The principal.
(d) Miss Jones, an English teacher.

6. For what summer program does Cedric apply?
(a) An internship at the Supreme Court.
(b) A science seminar at Stanford.
(c) A summer session at Brown University.
(d) A six-week program at M.I.T.

7. Where does Trilling suggest Cedric apply to college?
(a) Stanford or Florida State University.
(b) Howard University or University of Maryland.
(c) Harvard or Brown.
(d) M.I.T. or Harvard.

8. What old friend from Jefferson does Cedric call from M.I.T.?
(a) David Smith.
(b) John Brown.
(c) Torrence Parks.
(d) Philip Atkins.

9. Where does Cedric hide during the assembly?
(a) He went home.
(b) In the locker room.
(c) A deserted chemistry classroom.
(d) In the principal's office.

10. Where does Cedric go to junior high?
(a) Washington Davis High School.
(b) Howard Junior High School.
(c) Jefferson Junior High School.
(d) Ballou Junior High School.

11. Who takes Cedric's calculator in math class?
(a) James Davis.
(b) Lawan Foster.
(c) Phillip Atkins.
(d) Jack Davis.

12. Who is the faculty director of the M.I.T. program?
(a) Professor Leon Trilling.
(b) Professor Lionel Rowan.
(c) Professor Leonard Trustworthy.
(d) Professor Bill Ramsey.

13. What classes offer Cedric some competition in high school?
(a) English and science.
(b) Computer Science and language arts.
(c) Math and science.
(d) English and history.

14. What two disappointments does Cedric experience during eighth grade?
(a) He is attacked on the bus and his school books are stolen.
(b) He is not allowed to sing solos and loses his place at Jefferson Junior High.
(c) He is robbed and attacked near his apartment.
(d) He loses his best friend and his father goes back to jail.

15. Why does Cedric avoid Delante "Head" Coleman?
(a) He and his crew enjoy bothering honor students.
(b) He knifed Cedric once.
(c) He always tries to sell drugs to Cedric.
(d) He once put a gun to Cedric's head.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Barbara have to turn around and go back to the campus?

2. Who receives as many awards as Cedric does?

3. Why does Cedric's mother not want him to wear a leather jacket?

4. Why are most of the classes that Cedric takes at Ballou not very challenging?

5. Where does Cedric's mother work?

(see the answer keys)

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