A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Dave say never entered his world as a young child?
(a) Humor
(b) Racism
(c) Child abuse
(d) The principles of hardwork

2. Why does Puck annoy everyone?
(a) He cries a lot
(b) He does not talk enough
(c) He complains too much
(d) He talks too much

3. What does the landlady's wife not like about Dave?
(a) His untidiness
(b) His love of violent films
(c) His womanizing
(d) His religion

4. What is the name of Dave's magazine?
(a) Spirit
(b) Spite
(c) Might
(d) Unique

5. How does visiting Dave's childhood home make him feel?
(a) Ill
(b) Nostalgic
(c) Lost
(d) Happy

6. Who does Dave say is traumatized by the Rich obituary?
(a) Rich's friends and family
(b) Adam Rich
(c) Toph
(d) The Might staff

7. What does Dave decide to arrange in this chapter?
(a) A nude photo shoot
(b) A music gig
(c) A party
(d) A signing session

8. Where did Dave's friend's father die?
(a) At work
(b) At a baseball ground
(c) In a cafe
(d) On his front lawn

9. Why does Dave want to interview Judd?
(a) He has famous parents
(b) He is very interesting
(c) The Reality Show cameras will follow him
(d) He is the best cartoonist in California

10. What does Dave have to attend in Chicago?
(a) A funeral
(b) A wedding
(c) A business meeting
(d) A premiere

11. Where does Toph have to go the night Dave has a date with Sari?
(a) The zoo
(b) A baseball game
(c) A bar mitzvah
(d) A house party

12. How does Dave want to use the exposure he can get for appearing on TV?
(a) To give Toph a foot into stardom
(b) To get women
(c) To advertise the magazine
(d) To tell the world his problems

13. What does Dave deny being?
(a) A depressive
(b) Unhappy
(c) A figure of fun
(d) A spoiled, rich child

14. Who is in the picture Dave and the editors choose?
(a) Toph
(b) The photographer's family
(c) The photographer
(d) The photographer's boyfriend

15. How did Dave friend's father kill himself?
(a) Shot himself
(b) Jumped form the top of building
(c) Jumped onto a railway track
(d) Burned himself to death

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Dave and his friends eat at the girl's house?

2. Who threatens suicide in this chapter?

3. What kind of flag did a boy have up in his window in Dave's neighborhood?

4. What does Dave arrange to do with Sarah?

5. Why is Dave's new apartment not a pleasant place to live in?

(see the answer keys)

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