A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Dave and Toph play Frisbee in this chapter?
(a) A corn field
(b) A tennis court
(c) The garden
(d) The beach

2. What is Toph always added onto at the last minute?
(a) The school sports teams
(b) Cub scout trips
(c) Adventure holidays
(d) School trips

3. What does Dave's tragic story make him feel like?
(a) A nobody
(b) A child
(c) An adult
(d) A celebrity

4. Why does Dave have to move out of the apartment in this chapter?
(a) He falls out with Beth
(b) He can't pay the rent
(c) The lease expires
(d) He breaks up with Kirsten

5. What does Toph join in this chapter?
(a) Cub scouts
(b) Writing club
(c) Little League
(d) Chess club

6. What kind of people are in the car Dave has to identify?
(a) White people
(b) Asian people
(c) Hispanic people
(d) African American people

7. What does Dave want to join?
(a) A gym
(b) Chess club
(c) Night school
(d) A writing class

8. Where do Dave and Beth sublet an apartment?
(a) Jefferson County
(b) Berkeley
(c) Manhatten
(d) Orange County

9. What do Beth and Dave think Toph is not ready for yet?
(a) A dog
(b) University
(c) Adult films
(d) A babysitter

10. What does Dave imagine the baby sitter doing to Toph?
(a) Selling him
(b) Abusing him
(c) Kidnapping him
(d) Murdering him

11. Where does Dave insist the kids go with him in this chapter?
(a) To the police station
(b) To find a phone
(c) To his car
(d) To his apartment

12. What did Dave's father die from?
(a) A brain tumor
(b) AIDS
(c) Cancer
(d) Flu

13. What does Dave feel it is important to show Toph in this chapter?
(a) Love
(b) Fun
(c) Their homeland
(d) Competition

14. What does the nurse suggest Dave uses to stop the bleeding?
(a) A towel
(b) Ice
(c) A cup of tea
(d) Chocolate

15. Whose birthday is it in this chapter?
(a) Dave's mother
(b) Beth's
(c) Toph's
(d) Dave's

Short Answer Questions

1. Who keeps Dave's parents belongings?

2. What does Dave do before the girl can tell the story to anyone else?

3. What is Dave afraid of disrepecting in this chapter?

4. What does Dave think the parents at the Little League games wonder about him and Toph?

5. Who does Dave spend all of his time with in this chapter?

(see the answer keys)

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