A Great Deliverance Test | Final Test - Medium

Elizabeth George
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Great Deliverance Test | Final Test - Medium

Elizabeth George
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lady Helen Clyde note about Inspector Lynley's appearance at the beginning of Chapter 15?
(a) He looks stressed and unhappy.
(b) His clothes are torn and muddy.
(c) He looks happier than she's ever seen him.
(d) He's cut his hair.

2. What is Jonah Clarence's relationship with Gillian?
(a) He's Gillian's boss.
(b) He's Gillian's neighbor and friend.
(c) He's Gillian's husband.
(d) He's Gillian's psychiatrist.

3. What is Testament House?
(a) A church.
(b) A hotel.
(c) A refuge for teenage runaways.
(d) A tea shop.

4. With whom does Inspector Lynley find Stepha Odell at the end of Chapter 14?
(a) Dr. Samuels.
(b) Superintendent Nies.
(c) Nigel Parrish.
(d) Richard Gibson.

5. Why doesn't Ezra Farmington think he can paint any more?
(a) His heart is broken beause Stepha Odell has rejected him.
(b) He has arthritis in his hands and painting is too painful now.
(c) He has lost his interest in painting after Paul Odell's death.
(d) A scathing review from an art critic has devastated him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which character in the novel stutters?

2. How does Gillian send messages to Roberta?

3. What is Jonah Clarence's profession?

4. Who does the forensic tests on the Teys family dog in Chapter 12?

5. From where does the name Nell Graham originate?

Short Essay Questions

1. What behavior of Inspector Lynley's angers Sergeant Havers in Chapter 12?

2. How does Gillian/Nell behave when Sergeant Barbara Havers comes to her home?

3. How does Deborah Allancourt-St. James feel about Inspector Lynley?

4. What does Deborah Allancourt-St. James' father do for a living and how does his profession match the image Sergeant Barbara Havers has of Inspector Lynley?

5. What objections does Sergeant Barbara Havers have in Chapter 9 to dining at Keldale Hall?

6. With whom is Gillian Teys reunited at the end of the novel and who brings about the reunion?

7. Why does Paul Odell kill himself, and how does his loss affect his sister and his widow?

8. What is Testament House and what tie does Gillian Teys have to the institution?

9. Why is Sergeant Havers so happy when Inspector Lynley sends her to London after Gillian Teys by herself?

10. What forensic evidence is found in the blood of Whiskers, the Teys family dog, and how does this evidence relate to the murder of William Teys?

(see the answer keys)

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