A Grain of Wheat Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Grain of Wheat Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the end of "Chapter 10," what does Mugo say?
(a) That he believes Mumbi's story.
(b) That he won't be in the celebration.
(c) That he wants to lead the Movement.
(d) That he is sorry for the pain he caused.

2. What happens to Gikonyo because of his fall in "Chapter 14"?
(a) He breaks his arm.
(b) He loses a bet.
(c) He cuts his leg.
(d) Nothing.

3. What does Mumbi say she did after making love to Karanja?
(a) She promised to marry him.
(b) She asked to be taken to Gikonyo.
(c) She threw a shoe at him.
(d) She ran away crying.

4. How do Mumbi's parents feel about Mumbi leaving Gikonyo?
(a) They don't understand it.
(b) They don't care.
(c) They worry it will shame her.
(d) They think she is right to leave him.

5. In "Chapter 10," how is General R.'s time as a freedom fighter described?
(a) Angry.
(b) Fierce.
(c) Short.
(d) Troublesome.

6. Why does Mumbi say she had to rebuild her house?
(a) Because a storm destroyed the house.
(b) Because the materials were stolen.
(c) Because she thought it was ugly.
(d) Because the village was burned.

7. Why does Mugo say he didn't immediately turn Kihika in for murder?
(a) He loved Kihika.
(b) He didn't believe he did it.
(c) He was afraid.
(d) He didn't know who to tell.

8. In "Chapter 14," how do the villagers feel about independence?
(a) That they will now become rich.
(b) That it is a mistake.
(c) That it is a positive change.
(d) That they can now rebuild their village.

9. Who tells Gikonyo that Mumbi had a child with Karanja?
(a) His mother.
(b) Mumbi.
(c) A neighbor.
(d) Karanja.

10. Who is Kenyetta?
(a) An author.
(b) A protester.
(c) A philosopher.
(d) A politician.

11. In "Chapter 10," why does the narrator say Karanja didn't think he could be overthrown?
(a) Because he is rich.
(b) Because of his father's position.
(c) Because he worked with white men.
(d) Because he had fooled the government.

12. What year is it when Kenya becomes independent?
(a) 1962.
(b) 1964.
(c) 1963.
(d) 1965.

13. In "Chapter 12," what does Mugo remember about the trench?
(a) When Gikonyo was arrested.
(b) When Mumbi gave birth.
(c) When he was arrested.
(d) When Kihika gave a speech.

14. In "Chapter 12," how do Gikonyo's co-investors plan on finding enough money for the farm?
(a) Someone's inheritance.
(b) Theft.
(c) Fund raising.
(d) Through a loan.

15. Why does Mugo remember farming in "Chapter 8"?
(a) Because it was the height of his life.
(b) Because he knows it makes money.
(c) Because he is planning his future.
(d) Because it reminds him of Gikonyo.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is unique about the camp in Rira?

2. Why does Warui go with Gikonyo to see Mugo in "Chapter 12"?

3. In "Chapter 14," how does the crowd react to General R.'s speech?

4. What does Mugo say eventually led him to turn in Kihika for murder?

5. Why does Mugo visit Gikonyo in "Chapter 10"?

(see the answer keys)

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