A Good Kind of Trouble Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lisa Moore Ramée
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Good Kind of Trouble Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lisa Moore Ramée
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With which of the following does Chapter 4: "Emerson" begin?
(a) “Having English after PE is awful.”
(b) “I never knew metal had a smell, but it does.”
(c) “As soon as Ms. Jacobs releases us, I show my way down the crowded hallway to my locker.”
(d) “Momma likes to pick me up after the long line of cars in the drop-off / pick-up zone has cleared out.”

2. What color are Shayla’s gym shorts?
(a) Blue.
(b) Red.
(c) Green.
(d) Black.

3. With which of the following does Chapter 28: "Highlights" begin?
(a) “Even though I always use my lead leg now, I’m still not getting over the hurdles easily.”
(b) “At break, Isabella and Julia are at our spot behind the portables.”
(c) “Today is the preseason track meet.”
(d) “Before I can figure out what I’m going to do, Bernard is standing there looking down at me.”

4. With which of the following does Chapter 33: "Chapped Lips" begin?
(a) “Before I can say anything, Tyler kisses me.”
(b) “I tell Bernard I need to use the bathroom.”
(c) “A slow song comes on and I think the long rope of intestines inside me is tying up into one huge knot.”
(d) “In the morning, I wake up before they do.”

5. Whom of the following consoles Shayla after her fall?
(a) Angie.
(b) Natalie.
(c) Maya.
(d) Carmetta.

6. With which of the following does Chapter 5: "Lockers & Lunch" begin?
(a) “As soon as Ms. Jacobs releases us, I show my way down the crowded hallway to my locker.”
(b) “I never knew metal had a smell, but it does.”
(c) “When we get home, I go straight to my room.”
(d) “Momma likes to pick me up after the long line of cars in the drop-off / pick-up zone has cleared out.”

7. Which of the following is quoted in Shayla’s English class?
(a) Nelson Mandela.
(b) Frederick Douglass.
(c) Barack Obama.
(d) James Baldwin.

8. With which of the following does Chapter 9: "Eyeballs" begin?
(a) “When we sit down for dinner that night, I wait until Daddy has a mouthful of steak.”
(b) “At lunch, Isabella, Julia, and I sit in our regular lunch spot.”
(c) “For the first time I wish we had to run the mile in PE.”
(d) “The next day in science, Mr. Levy gives us some free time.”

9. Under what kind of tree do the United Nations sit for break?
(a) Crepe myrtle.
(b) Dogwood.
(c) Cherry.
(d) Magnolia.

10. In which event does Bernard compete?
(a) Discus.
(b) Shotput.
(c) Hammer throw.
(d) Javelin.

11. Which of the following can be found in the vending machines at Shayla’s school?
(a) Soda.
(b) Water.
(c) Coffee.
(d) Tea.

12. Which of the following kinds of shoe do the United Nations wear?
(a) Adidas.
(b) Doc Marten.
(c) Nike.
(d) Converse.

13. With which of the following does Chapter 17: "History" begin?
(a) “When Jace walks into class, he looks over and smiles.”
(b) “When I ask Momma if we can drive by Isabella’s to pick up something, she gets all exasperated with me.”
(c) “Momma didn’t want to talk about the trial, but Mr. Powell sure does.”
(d) “Isabella and I hide from the sun.”

14. With which of the following does Chapter 1: "First Slide begin"?
(a) “We have a break right after second period.”
(b) “I’m allergic to trouble.”
(c) “It’s not that I hate doing anything active.”
(d) “Having English after PE is awful.”

15. With which of the following does Chapter 21: "Clearing Hurdles" begin?
(a) “Julia’s dressed as Batgirl.”
(b) “At our next track practice, after we’re all stretched out, Coach West tells us what specific events she wants us to train for.”
(c) “That night, I’m standing in the kitchen, keeping an eye on the pork chops so they don’t burn.”
(d) “I’m beginning to think I was wrong to worry about the United Nations being in trouble.”

Short Answer Questions

1. At what store do Shayla, Isabella, and Julia get their dresses for the winter dance?

2. With which of the following does Chapter 7: "Sirens" begin?

3. With which of the following does Chapter 27: "Density" begin?

4. To which of the following does Shayla’s mother compare her?

5. How many siblings does Shayla’s mother have?

(see the answer keys)

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