A Girl Named Disaster Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Nancy Farmer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Girl Named Disaster Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Nancy Farmer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did Useless marry?
(a) A muzuki.
(b) A princess.
(c) A nganga.
(d) A njuzu.

2. How long does Nhamo fight the current before she sees land?
(a) Several days.
(b) A week.
(c) A day and a night.
(d) Two weeks.

3. What is the hozi?
(a) The church.
(b) The river fountain.
(c) A communal storage facility.
(d) The house of Nhamo's grandmother.

4. What does Grandmother say she wants to help Nhamo do?
(a) Understand her family.
(b) Find a good husband.
(c) Be a good wife.
(d) Escape.

5. To what kind of tree does Nhamo tie her boat when she gets to the big island?
(a) Oak tree.
(b) Coconut tree.
(c) Water tree.
(d) Fig tree.

6. What does Nhamo name the deformed baboon?
(a) Rumpy.
(b) Big Belly.
(c) Stumpy.
(d) Fat Cheeks.

7. What did Princess Senwa do when her husband betrayed her?
(a) Sang a sad song the rest of her days.
(b) Jumped off a cliff.
(c) Cursed him.
(d) Killed their baby.

8. In what lake is the island?
(a) Cabora Bassa.
(b) Calenda Blessa.
(c) Cabrinda Bissa.
(d) Carbona Bassa.

9. What does Long Teats eat?
(a) Children.
(b) Finger nails.
(c) Baby's blood.
(d) Dead humans.

10. What does the muvuki use to diagnose the problem?
(a) Hakata sticks.
(b) Hukutu oil.
(c) Hokoto leaves.
(d) Hikiti water.

11. Where does Nhamo get the clay she uses to repair her boat?
(a) A termite hill.
(b) A baboon nest.
(c) The river banks.
(d) A beaver dam.

12. What do the baboons do when they see Nhamo at the river getting water?
(a) Attack her.
(b) Embrace her.
(c) Ignore her.
(d) Run from her.

13. What are njuzu?
(a) Nutritional water plants.
(b) Water spirits.
(c) Strange waves.
(d) River scavengers.

14. Why is Nhamo sitting in a fig tree at the beginning of the book?
(a) She is hiding from some boys.
(b) She is getting out of the heat.
(c) She is trying to avoid doing chores.
(d) She is gathering figs for dinner.

15. What does Nhamo do with the fish she catches?
(a) Smokes them.
(b) Uses them in animal traps.
(c) Eats them.
(d) Dries them.

Short Answer Questions

1. In a dream, what does Crocodile Guts remind Nhamo to do?

2. What does Kufa say the disobedient wife was eaten by?

3. What does the sting that Nhamo gets while working on her boat cause her to do?

4. Where does Kufa take the family after the cholera epidemic?

5. Where does Masvita go after the meeting with the muvuki?

(see the answer keys)

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