A Gentleman in Moscow Test | Final Test - Easy

Amor Towles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Gentleman in Moscow Test | Final Test - Easy

Amor Towles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where are the Count and Sofia going to dine in the opening of Book 4: "1952: America"?
(a) The Spotted Dog.
(b) The Boyarsky.
(c) The Piazza.
(d) The Shalyapin.

2. Who is the director of the Red October Youth Orchestra that visits the Count in Book 4: "1953: Apostles and Apostates"?
(a) Mr. Halecki.
(b) Mr. Glebnikov.
(c) Mr. Frinovsky.
(d) Mr. Duras.

3. How long did it take Hitler's troops to march from the Russian frontier to the outskirts of Moscow in Operation Barbarossa?
(a) 3 months.
(b) 5 months.
(c) 7 months.
(d) 2 months.

4. When is Sofia directed to report to the Red October Youth Orchestra, according to the official letter that the Count receives in Book 4: "1953: Apostles and Apostates"?
(a) October 1.
(b) June 1.
(c) March 1.
(d) September 1.

5. Where will Sofia be performing with the orchestra of the Moscow Conservatory in Paris in Book 5: "1954: Applause and Acclaim"?
(a) The Amor Garnier.
(b) The Grand Hall.
(c) The Palais Garnier.
(d) The Paris Showhouse.

6. How old was Ilya when he was promoted to sous-chef at the Metropol?
(a) 16.
(b) 22.
(c) 26.
(d) 19.

7. Where has Sofia's venue in Paris been changed to in Book 5: "Anecdotes"?
(a) The Salle Pleyel.
(b) La Flèche d'Or.
(c) The Grand Hall.
(d) L'international.

8. At what time does the Count say the performance was scheduled to end in the beginning of Book 4: "1953: Apostles and Apostates"?
(a) 10:00.
(b) 12:00.
(c) 9:00.
(d) 11:00.

9. Where does the Count keep money hidden in a secret compartment in his room?
(a) His book of Anna Karenina.
(b) His book of Montaigne essays.
(c) The Grand Duke's desk legs.
(d) His father's twice-chiming clock.

10. What name does Sofia give to her doll in Book 3: "Adjustments"?
(a) Sarah.
(b) Mabel.
(c) Emily.
(d) Dolly.

11. When did the Germans launch Operation Barbarossa?
(a) June 19, 1942.
(b) June 22, 1941.
(c) March 12, 1941.
(d) May 3, 1940.

12. Whose work will Sofia be performing with the orchestra of the Moscow Conservatory in Paris in Book 5: "1954: Applause and Acclaim"?
(a) Mozart's.
(b) Bach's.
(c) Rachmaninov's.
(d) Beethoven's.

13. How old is Sofia in Book 3: "Antics, Antitheses, an Accident"?
(a) 16.
(b) 9.
(c) 15.
(d) 13.

14. How old is the Count when Sofia comes into his care?
(a) 36.
(b) 59.
(c) 39.
(d) 48.

15. Who comes to warn the Count that the Bishop is on his way to his room in Book 4: "1953: Apostles and Apostates"?
(a) Vasily.
(b) Oleg.
(c) Emile.
(d) Osip.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the Count borrow from Anna in Book 3: "Ascending, Alighting"?

2. Sofia plays the music of what composer when the Count enters the ballroom in Book 4: "1950: Adagio, Andante, Allegro"?

3. Where is the American general described as being from in Book 3: "Antics, Antitheses, an Accident"?

4. How old is Pudgy Webster described as being when he arrives in Moscow in Book 5: "1954: Applause and Acclaim"?

5. What do Andrey and Emile bring for Sofia after her competition in Book 4: "1953: Apostles and Apostates"?

(see the answer keys)

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