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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. In the hiding game that the Count plays with Sofia in Book 3: "Ascending, Alighting," what item does he hide?
(a) A needle.
(b) A necklace.
(c) A thimble.
(d) A pocket watch.
2. Who is tending bar at the Shalyapin when the Count visits in Book 3: "Absinthe"?
(a) Pavel.
(b) Andrey.
(c) Audrius.
(d) Emile.
3. On what date does Book 5: "Anecdotes" begin?
(a) June 16.
(b) July 15.
(c) June 21.
(d) March 12.
4. How old does the colonel claim to be in Book 3: "An Alliance"?
(a) 39.
(b) 26.
(c) 42.
(d) 46.
5. Where does the Count keep money hidden in a secret compartment in his room?
(a) His book of Montaigne essays.
(b) His book of Anna Karenina.
(c) The Grand Duke's desk legs.
(d) His father's twice-chiming clock.
6. In what month does Book 4: "1952: America" begin?
(a) March.
(b) June.
(c) May.
(d) July.
7. Who is the director of the Red October Youth Orchestra that visits the Count in Book 4: "1953: Apostles and Apostates"?
(a) Mr. Glebnikov.
(b) Mr. Halecki.
(c) Mr. Frinovsky.
(d) Mr. Duras.
8. What do the Count and Sofia have for lunch at the Piazza in Book 3: "Adjustments"?
(a) Chicken.
(b) Veal.
(c) Duck.
(d) Venison.
9. Where is a private party held at the Boyarsky in Book 3: "An Alliance"?
(a) In the Red Room.
(b) In the White Room.
(c) In the Blue Room.
(d) In the Yellow Room.
10. On what date does the Count confirm that Sofia will be in Paris, France, in Book 5: "1954: Applause and Acclaim"?
(a) July 12.
(b) March 16.
(c) June 21.
(d) May 3.
11. In what month does Book 5: "Arrivederci" begin?
(a) September.
(b) March.
(c) May.
(d) June.
12. How long did it take Hitler's troops to march from the Russian frontier to the outskirts of Moscow in Operation Barbarossa?
(a) 5 months.
(b) 7 months.
(c) 2 months.
(d) 3 months.
13. Whose work will Sofia be performing with the orchestra of the Moscow Conservatory in Paris in Book 5: "1954: Applause and Acclaim"?
(a) Rachmaninov's.
(b) Mozart's.
(c) Bach's.
(d) Beethoven's.
14. Where is the American general described as being from in Book 3: "Antics, Antitheses, an Accident"?
(a) Nevada.
(b) Texas.
(c) California.
(d) Arkansas.
15. What animal from the "Dark Continent" does the Count describe to Sofia in Book 3: "Adjustments"?
(a) The rhinocerus.
(b) The ape.
(c) The giraffe.
(d) The elephant.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who rushes up to the Count and tells him that he must convince Sofia to perform overseas in Book 5: "1954: Applause and Acclaim"?
2. What name does Sofia give to her doll in Book 3: "Adjustments"?
3. The narrator says in Book 5: "1954: Applause and Acclaim," "It is a well-known fact that of all of the species on earth Homo sapiens is among the most" what?
4. What do Andrey and Emile bring for Sofia after her competition in Book 4: "1953: Apostles and Apostates"?
5. According to the narrator in Book 5: "An Announcement," who "would argue that once the dining room's doors were opened, after a brief moment of confusion the better natures of the men would prevail, and their predisposition to reason would lead them to a fair and orderly process of seat taking"?
This section contains 473 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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