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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is the profession of the Jewish man that Catherine meets?
(a) Peddler.
(b) Rabbi.
(c) Physician.
(d) Teacher.
2. What is the name the Hall children now use for Ann?
(a) Ann.
(b) Mother Ann.
(c) Mrs. Hall.
(d) Mammann.
3. What is the result of the incident at school?
(a) Daniel is sent to the army.
(b) Daniel was expelled.
(c) Catherine and Matty will change schools.
(d) Catherine and Matty will be home schooled.
4. What does Ann ban from the Hall household?
(a) The Liberator.
(b) Candy.
(c) Swearing.
(d) Dirty shoes.
5. What does Mr. Hall suggest that Catherine send with him when he returns to Boston to marry Ann?
(a) A letter answering Ann's questions.
(b) A Bible.
(c) Handmade lace.
(d) Flowers.
Short Answer Questions
1. What big change does Cassie point out that Ann has to make?
2. Who is the package from?
3. Who is Cassie's older brother?
4. On what do Ann and Mr. Hall disagree?
5. How long is Mr. Hall gone on his business trip?
Short Essay Questions
1. What is the symbolism of the blue bonnet that Catherine wears in Chapter 18?
2. Describe how the boys in the class revolt against the new teacher's severe punishment measures.
3. What is the reason for Mr. Hall's delayed return from Boston?
4. Describe how Ann is becoming both physically and emotionally stronger since her arrival at the Hall household.
5. What are the circumstances that precipitate Catherine's leaving home?
6. How is the theme of trust exhibited between Asa and Catherine regarding his poem for Sophy?
7. How does Catherine experience change related to the addition of the two new family members?
8. How does the theme of trust extend to Mr. Hall and Ann?
9. How does Cassie help Catherine get a new perspective on Ann's arrival?
10. How does Ann alienate Uncle Jack when he comes for a visit and how does Mr. Hall react?
This section contains 984 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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