A Gathering of Days Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Joan W. Blos
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Gathering of Days Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Joan W. Blos
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens when the weather is cold one day and hot the next?
(a) The sap stops flowing.
(b) The locusts swarm in.
(c) The old people get pneumonia.
(d) The kids get bad colds.

2. Whose mother has an accident with a cow?
(a) Mr. Hall's.
(b) Asa Sampson's.
(c) Joshua Nelson's.
(d) James Hallowell's.

3. Catherine believes that _____________ has taken the item from the storeroom?
(a) The phantom.
(b) Asa.
(c) Matty.
(d) Lucy.

4. How does Mr. Holt get away with reading The Liberator to the students?
(a) He does it after class hours.
(b) He gets permission from the minister.
(c) He disguises it as current events lessons.
(d) He gets permission from their parents.

5. Chapter 8 addresses a heated debate between ______________ and the townspeople.
(a) Mr. Holt.
(b) Mr. Hall.
(c) Mrs. Shipman.
(d) Aunt Lucy.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who visits the Hall family and brings stories in a newspaper?

2. Who is Catherine's school teacher?

3. What is different about the writing book when Catherine finds it?

4. Who is Mrs. Shipman's sister?

5. What do the men have to keep constant in the camp while tapping the trees?

Short Essay Questions

1. Uncle Jack and Mr. Hall are both against slavery but have different views on how to address it. What are their conflicting views on a solution?

2. What do Asa and Catherine decide to do when they determine that the phantom is a runaway slave?

3. What is Asa's philosophical stance on continuing to take punishment for things he did not do?

4. What does the quilt left for the phantom symbolize?

5. How does Mr. Hall lose his temper when the question of his marrying Aunt Lucy arises?

6. What two instances of flashback are used in Chapter 8?

7. What does Catherine see in one of Mr. Holt's newspapers that particularly upsets her?

8. What is Asa's complaint regarding math studies at school?

9. How does sexism surface again in the story--this time regarding math studies?

10. What is the first journal entry in the book and by whom is it written?

(see the answer keys)

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