A Gathering of Days Test | Final Test - Easy

Joan W. Blos
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Gathering of Days Test | Final Test - Easy

Joan W. Blos
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Mr. Holt courting?
(a) Mrs. Lowell.
(b) Miss Hallowell.
(c) Miss Mumson.
(d) Aunt Lucy.

2. In what month is Mr. Hall to be married?
(a) May.
(b) June.
(c) September.
(d) April.

3. Catherine helps Asa write a verse to ___________.
(a) Lucy.
(b) Matty.
(c) Sophy.
(d) Ellie.

4. What about Catherine's mother is referenced in a conversation?
(a) The way she could dance.
(b) Her silky hair.
(c) Her blueberry pies.
(d) Quilts she brought to the marriage.

5. Who leaves flowers on a note for Catherine?
(a) Matthew.
(b) James.
(c) Joshua.
(d) Asa.

6. Where does the new Hall family go where they are on display for the community?
(a) Theatre.
(b) Church.
(c) Barn raising.
(d) Picnic.

7. To whom is the new Mrs. Hall compared?
(a) Mrs. Hanson.
(b) Aunt Lucy.
(c) The first Mrs. Hall.
(d) Mrs. Shipman.

8. What does Uncle Jack do that Ann finds offensive?
(a) Tells a joke.
(b) Tracks mud on the floor.
(c) Talks with his mouth full.
(d) Wipes his nose on his shirt sleeve.

9. What does Catherine see that Ann is doing when Catherine cries?
(a) She is ready to spank her.
(b) She has left the room.
(c) She cries too.
(d) She is stirring the kettle.

10. Where is Mr. Hall's wedding to take place?
(a) Boston.
(b) Rutledge.
(c) Portland.
(d) Kennebunkport.

11. What do the girls wear on their dresses?
(a) Flowers.
(b) Necklaces.
(c) Capes.
(d) Brooches.

12. What do Catherine and Cassie do at the Shipman house?
(a) Cook.
(b) Sew.
(c) The laundry.
(d) Read.

13. What task does Catherine object to doing?
(a) Sewing aprons.
(b) Churning butter.
(c) Making syrup.
(d) Making a quilt.

14. What news does Mr. Hall bring on his return?
(a) He is selling the farm.
(b) He is getting married.
(c) He is taking a new job.
(d) He is moving the family to Boston.

15. On what do Ann and Mr. Hall disagree?
(a) Where to send Daniel to school.
(b) How to care for a sick child.
(c) Where to plant the herb garden.
(d) Who Catherine should marry.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why do Mr. Hall and Ann have an argument?

2. Why does Catherine complain about her project?

3. Ann is sensitive to Catherine's feelings regarding what?

4. What is the profession of the Jewish man that Catherine meets?

5. Why is Catherine upset about the person Ann hires?

(see the answer keys)

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