A Frolic of His Own Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Frolic of His Own Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About what does Oscar worry, regarding his hospital bill?
(a) How much his insurance premium will be raised.
(b) When he will receive it.
(c) How much his insurance will cover.
(d) For what he has been billed.

2. Basie doubts Oscar has a case, but leaves doing what?
(a) Charging Oscar for his time.
(b) Agreeing to view the movie, even without a copy of the play to compare.
(c) Telling Oscar the case will be successful.
(d) Agreeing to read Oscar's play and to see the movie.

3. According to Harry, why does Judge Crease give reporters the headline, "EVERY DOG ENTITLED TO ONE BITE, SAYS JUDGE?"
(a) It's an effort to get himself disqualified from hearing any of the remaining cases.
(b) He is a very sarcastic man.
(c) He never said this; the reporters twisted his words.
(d) He is annoyed with the plaintiff.

4. How does Oscar reply when Basie interrupts to ask how Israel fits into his play?
(a) He does not; he is only a means of showing how, in those days, an educated black man was suspended between worlds.
(b) His running away is a catalyst for other events.
(c) He is proof that others may free themselves from bondage.
(d) He is an essential character and member of the family, even though he is a slave.

5. In the play's prologue, Mother asks about what, regarding Thomas?
(a) His training.
(b) His wound and heroism.
(c) His wife.
(d) His education.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Oscar fear about his house?

2. In Scene 2 of the play,Thomas approaches a limping Soldier wearing a worn Union uniform. Called back to active duty, the Soldier seeks to sell four months' worth of future pay for what?

3. How does Mother reply when Thomas asks what she wants?

4. Who is Christina's schoolgirl friend?

5. What forces Thomas to go north to prevent the Union government from seizing everything?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is explained about the slave, Israel? What are both the Major, Kane, and William's thoughts regarding this discussion?

2. What does Oscar do when Harold Basie arrives?

3. How does Kiester respond to this?

4. What does Oscar think of Basie? Why does he keep him around?

5. What are news headlines, regarding Oscar's father? What do they mean for his father?

6. Why has Pai been having this discussion with Oscar? What does he want to know?

7. How does Kevin know about Oscar's scar, according to Lily?

8. How does Oscar explain Israel's purpose in the play?

9. How does the official transcript of Oscar's deposition open?

10. What is wrong with Lily, when she enters the scene?

(see the answer keys)

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