A Fistful of Fig Newtons Test | Final Test - Medium

Jean Shepherd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Fistful of Fig Newtons Test | Final Test - Medium

Jean Shepherd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did the narrator arrive at the correct answer to the equation in front of the Algebra class?
(a) Inspiration.
(b) Wild guess.
(c) Computation.
(d) Cheating.

2. According to the narrator, Camper people are ____________________.
(a) Politically conservative.
(b) College professors.
(c) High school dropouts.
(d) Corporate CEOs.

3. Why did Howard want to sell his car?
(a) He got a new car every two years.
(b) It was breaking down a lot.
(c) It was a lemon.
(d) He needed a station wagon for the family.

4. What happened to the narrator's middle school diploma?
(a) It blew away.
(b) His name was misspelled.
(c) It was shredded.
(d) It was run over by a car.

5. What item in the catalog would appeal to the violent?
(a) Jump ropes.
(b) Fake teeth.
(c) Brass knuckles.
(d) Chalk.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did the Igloo finally win the ice cream war?

2. What caught on fire in the Kissell household?

3. How is the Johnson Smith catalog distributed?

4. Two words likely to be found on the bumper stickers of vans are love and ____________.

5. What did the narrator's father do first when he came home from work?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the narrator speculate that the archaeologists might think the commercials are somehow religious media?

2. How does the narrator's experience in the Lincoln Tunnel mirror his demeanor during his school years?

3. What ironies does the narrator point out in the actuality of camper and van usage as opposed to the typical perceptions of the vehicles?

4. Define a BNA and cite some supporting examples.

5. What scenario does the narrator imagine in which archaeologists discover television advertising and what are their perceptions of it?

6. What has the NLGA done to try to counteract the negative perceptions of lemons?

7. What prompts the narrator to think of the Johnson Smith catalog?

8. What was the worst case scenario of a BNA?

9. Who is Howard and why is he so depressed about the word "lemon"?

10. What are the differences in driving styles between the Camper Crowd and van people?

(see the answer keys)

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