A Fistful of Fig Newtons Test | Final Test - Easy

Jean Shepherd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Fistful of Fig Newtons Test | Final Test - Easy

Jean Shepherd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What might the archaeologists think the car is used for in a Chevrolet commercial?
(a) A cafe.
(b) A church.
(c) A residence.
(d) A school.

2. What was the name of the General Motors magazine for which the narrator wrote an article?
(a) On the Move.
(b) Highways.
(c) Friends.
(d) Generalities.

3. What was the narrator's first class in high school?
(a) Algebra.
(b) Latin.
(c) Physics.
(d) Biology.

4. Who was the owner of the Igloo ice cream shop?
(a) Mr. Larson.
(b) Mr. Hall.
(c) Mr. Levine.
(d) Mr. Leggett.

5. What item in the catalog would appeal to the violent?
(a) Chalk.
(b) Brass knuckles.
(c) Jump ropes.
(d) Fake teeth.

6. In what class did the narrator's back row fakery defenses not work?
(a) Algebra.
(b) English.
(c) History.
(d) Chemistry.

7. For what type of firm did Howard work?
(a) Law.
(b) Investment.
(c) Public Relations.
(d) Accounting.

8. What might be an item found in the Johnson Smith catalog?
(a) American flags.
(b) Exploding cigars.
(c) Thermoses.
(d) History books.

9. Where did the narrator meet his friend, Howard, for lunch?
(a) The Russian Tea Room.
(b) Les Miserables du Frite.
(c) Le Petit Trianon.
(d) L'Auberge.

10. Why was the narrator always seated at the back of the class?
(a) He is one of the tallest kids in class.
(b) His last name is near the end of the alphabet.
(c) He is not a troublemaker.
(d) He has perfect eyesight and can see the board from there.

11. What caught on fire in the Kissell household?
(a) The TV.
(b) The cat.
(c) The refrigerator.
(d) The electric blanket.

12. What local landmark did the narrator see when returning to his hometown?
(a) Maid-Rite sandwich shop.
(b) Yankee soldier statue.
(c) Little League diamonds.
(d) Igloo ice cream parlor.

13. What kind of car did the narrator's family have?
(a) Chevy.
(b) Buick.
(c) Pontiac.
(d) Ford.

14. Why might the films found on Madison Ave. lead the archaeologists to think they are scriptures?
(a) They are altering belief systems.
(b) The word Ave in Latin means prayer.
(c) There are so many people represented in them.
(d) The announcer's voices sound like God.

15. The exuberant colors, dancing, and music of the commercials have an element of ______________ about them.
(a) mating rituals.
(b) schizophrenic behavior.
(c) intergalactic communication.
(d) tribal worship.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was the character in the Charmin bathroom tissue commercials?

2. The term "lemon" when used to refer to a bad car began with a man who lost a race in ____________ in 1903.

3. According to the narrator, how do Camper people drive?

4. What did the narrator's father do first when he came home from work?

5. How is the Johnson Smith catalog distributed?

(see the answer keys)

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