A First Time For Everything Character Descriptions

Dan Santat
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A First Time For Everything Character Descriptions

Dan Santat
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Dan Santat

This person took a trip to Europe when he was 13 and wrote A First Time for Everything about his experiences.

Amy Glucksbringer

This person developed feelings for a boy she met on the European trip.

Mrs. Bjork

This person was a teacher and chaperone on the European trip.

Mrs. Santat

This person had lupus, was married, and had a 13-year-old son.


This person was a student who was unkind on the European trip who was often unkind to a boy on the trip.


This person was a student on the European trip who turned down a boy in her class four years ago when he told her he liked her. Years later she apologized.


This person borrowed a sweatshirt from a boy in junior high.

Braden and Daryll

These people were two boys on the European trip.


This person was found sleepwalking at...

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