A Fire upon the Deep Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Fire upon the Deep Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What can't Pham see about Steel ambushing rescuers?
(a) How Steel's primitive culture could effect any damage against OOB.
(b) That Steel would not ambush them until he understands the technology they bring.
(c) How it would serve a purpose.
(d) That Steel might do it to gain a working space ship.

2. Who takes over control of the fighting from Scrupilo?
(a) Blacky.
(b) Chitiratte.
(c) Woodcarver.
(d) Vendacious.

3. What does Steel worry that Amdijefri will see?
(a) That Steel intends to kill Amdijefri.
(b) Through his mask.
(c) The fact that Johanna is alive.
(d) The way he tortures newborn pups.

4. What must OOB do at the opening of chapter 25?
(a) Be made capable of light speed.
(b) Be retrofitted with a quantum drive.
(c) Be fitted for slow beyond.
(d) Put in for repairs.

5. What does Steel project to the masses?
(a) Jefri.
(b) Ravna.
(c) Johanna.
(d) Flenser.

6. What are Riders through their skrodes?
(a) Hidden smart bombs.
(b) Powers.
(c) Virusus.
(d) It is uncertain.

7. What does Skinner ask Pham to do?
(a) Land inside the courtyard.
(b) Wait to land until the invaders have been repealed.
(c) Kill all the invaders.
(d) Drop weapons to the waiting troops.

8. What is Steel happy about concerning the radio cloaks?
(a) That they are cheap to make.
(b) That they are small enough to concel.
(c) That they are uncomfortable.
(d) That they are beautiful as well as functional.

9. Why does Pham order a landing?
(a) He sees Johanna waving.
(b) His shuttle is hit and no longer functional.
(c) He wants to question Jefri.
(d) He is out of fuel.

10. What does Peregrine do to gain Johanna's release?
(a) Brings Woodcarver to confront Vendacious.
(b) Bluffs.
(c) Surrounds Vendacious with crack troops.
(d) Nothing.

11. When does Old One consider the Blight a threat?
(a) When the Blight sends out tendrils into the Transcend.
(b) When the Blight attacks Old One.
(c) When the Blight engulfs the Slow Zone.
(d) He does not consider the Blight a threat.

12. What do those aboard OOB hope about the Zone storm?
(a) That it will pass in hours.
(b) That it will bypass them altogether.
(c) That it will narrow the boundaries of the Slow Zone.
(d) That it will widen the boundaries of the Beyond.

13. What are Woodcarver's new pups taking away from her?
(a) Her long view.
(b) Her mind.
(c) Her personality.
(d) Her vitality.

14. What does Steel order ignited?
(a) The forest at Woodcarver's flank.
(b) Nothing.
(c) The outer pool of oil.
(d) The radio cloaks.

15. What does Pham want to be able to describe?
(a) How he is able to know the Old One's mind even after the Old One is dead.
(b) How to convert sodium and ash to gunpowder.
(c) How the Old One commits suicide.
(d) How it feels to have a godself die.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who are the three butterflies?

2. What does Pham do during the downtime of the Zone storm?

3. Who are out for revenge?

4. What could take 120 days?

5. To what does Steel have a natural aversion?

(see the answer keys)

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