A Fine Balance Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Fine Balance Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which relatives does Maneck visit in Chapter 14 before he leaves on vacation?
(a) His mother's family.
(b) His father's family.
(c) Om's family.
(d) Dina's family.

2. In Chapter 10, what habit has Om started that drives Dina crazy?
(a) Swearing.
(b) Spitting.
(c) Scratching.
(d) Belching.

3. How did Rajaram kill the beggars whose hair he stole?
(a) He stabbed them.
(b) He poisoned them.
(c) He shot them.
(d) He drown them.

4. Where is the bump that grows on the Beggarmaster and his newly found relatives' bodies, proving their relation to one another?
(a) Their elbows.
(b) Their noses.
(c) Their knees.
(d) Their necks.

5. What are the men called that terrorize Dina's apartment?
(a) Loombas.
(b) Thoombas.
(c) Goondas.
(d) Boondas.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which character plunges his fingers down his throat to clear out excess bile?

2. At the end of the novel, how does Om respond when he hears that Maneck is back in town?

3. Who has a job working as a fortune teller when Maneck returns to the village?

4. How many years does Maneck claim that he wants to spend in school?

5. What game does Maneck attempt to teach Om during their vacation?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the Beggarmaster know that he is related to Shankar?

2. How does Maneck die?

3. What happens when Dina purchases a bottle of vermifuge and gives a dose to Om?

4. What happens when the debt collector visits Dina?

5. Why does the Beggarmaster leave Shankar on the streets even after it is revealed that they are brothers?

6. What does Dina do around the house when the tailors are off searching for a house, and how does she react when they return?

7. Why does Rajaram want to move to the Himalayas?

8. What happens to Rajaram that prompts him to leave his job at the government?

9. Why are the police called to Shankar's funeral?

10. How do the established workers at the relocation camp treat the newcomers?

(see the answer keys)

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