A Fine Balance Test | Final Test - Easy

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A Fine Balance Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who kills the Beggarmaster?
(a) The Monkey Man.
(b) Om.
(c) Rajaram.
(d) Shankar.

2. What type of weather keeps Maneck and Om from leaving the house during their vacation?
(a) Sun.
(b) Snow.
(c) Rain.
(d) Wind.

3. What type of occupation does Rajaram wish to hold?
(a) A barber.
(b) A doctor.
(c) An athlete.
(d) A teacher.

4. Which relatives does Maneck visit in Chapter 14 before he leaves on vacation?
(a) Dina's family.
(b) His father's family.
(c) Om's family.
(d) His mother's family.

5. How many years does Maneck claim that he wants to spend in school?
(a) Three.
(b) Two.
(c) Four.
(d) One.

6. What is Jeevan stealing from his customers?
(a) Shoes.
(b) Food.
(c) Money.
(d) Fabric.

7. Which character plunges his fingers down his throat to clear out excess bile?
(a) Shankar.
(b) Maneck.
(c) Om.
(d) Ishvar.

8. What does Dina lend to Rajaram when he wants to start his own business?
(a) Money.
(b) Cloth.
(c) A sewing machine.
(d) A grooming kit.

9. At the end of the novel, how does Om respond when he hears that Maneck is back in town?
(a) He is confused.
(b) He is angry.
(c) He is excited.
(d) He is apathetic.

10. What type of baby animals are left in Dina's fireplace?
(a) Rats.
(b) Puppies.
(c) Kittens.
(d) Monkeys.

11. What item does Maneck hope to return to his college roommate?
(a) A sewing machine.
(b) Some clothing.
(c) Textbooks.
(d) The chess set.

12. What article of clothing does Ashraf wish to buy for the tailors?
(a) Pants.
(b) Shirts.
(c) Hats.
(d) Robes.

13. What lie does Dina tell Mrs. Gupta about the tailors?
(a) That they are ill.
(b) That they are dead.
(c) That they are injured.
(d) That they are missing.

14. What part of his body does Ishvar lose?
(a) His eyes.
(b) His legs.
(c) His testicles.
(d) His hands.

15. What part of the goonda's bodies were broken in their "accident" orchestrated by the Beggarmaster?
(a) Their arms.
(b) Their fingers.
(c) Their necks.
(d) Their legs.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Jeevan?

2. Whose idea was it that all four characters eat dinner together in Chapter 10?

3. Who has a job working as a fortune teller when Maneck returns to the village?

4. How many times does Dina promise to pay rent on the sewing machines next month to keep them from being repossessed?

5. When does Om want to spy on Dina, an idea which infuriates Maneck?

(see the answer keys)

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