A Fine Balance Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Fine Balance Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What article of clothing do Ishvar and Narayan sew for their father?
(a) An apron.
(b) A dress shirt.
(c) A jacket.
(d) A vest.

2. What has Nawaz been arrested for smuggling?
(a) Gold.
(b) Tobacco.
(c) Silver.
(d) Alcohol

3. How much money do the men lend to Rajaram?
(a) Ten rupees.
(b) They don't lend money to Rajaram.
(c) Fifty rupees.
(d) One hundred rupees.

4. Who spies on Maneck while he is bathing?
(a) Dina.
(b) Ishvar.
(c) Om.
(d) Nusswan.

5. What crime do the villagers believe that Ishvar's parents' committed in order to be so blessed?
(a) Arson.
(b) Kidnapping.
(c) Embezzlement.
(d) Murder.

6. In what year does the prologue take place?
(a) 1975.
(b) 1955.
(c) 1985.
(d) 1965.

7. In Chapter 7, who does Dina share memories of with Maneck?
(a) Nusswan.
(b) Ishvar.
(c) Ruby.
(d) Rustom.

8. What does the man who starts a fight with Shankar collect for a living?
(a) Grain.
(b) Cloth.
(c) Metal.
(d) Hair.

9. In Chapter 8, what were the captured men served by the villagers?
(a) Water.
(b) Tea.
(c) Soda.
(d) Beer.

10. In what terrain does Maneck's family live?
(a) In a valley.
(b) In rocky caves.
(c) In the mountains.
(d) In open fields.

11. While Ishvar, Om, and Maneck are traveling by train, what possession of Maneck's comes falling onto Om's back?
(a) His suitcase.
(b) His textbooks.
(c) His umbrella.
(d) His pottery.

12. What is Maneck sent off to college to study?
(a) Refrigeration.
(b) Electricity.
(c) Manufacturing.
(d) Carbonation.

13. What is Rajaram forced to leave behind in the demolished slums?
(a) His collected hair.
(b) His family.
(c) His money.
(d) His food.

14. Om and Ishvar are traveling to apply for which position?
(a) A tailor.
(b) A policeman.
(c) A teacher.
(d) A butcher.

15. After unrest breaks out in town, what does Ashraf change the name of his shop to?
(a) Rama Tailors.
(b) Shiva Tailors.
(c) Krishna Tailors.
(d) Brahma Tailors.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Dina and Rustom meet?

2. What does Dukhi take a job grinding into powder to support his family?

3. What does Dina Dalal make at home and store in trunks, which the boys find while she is away?

4. What does Rajaram encourage Om and Ishvar to apply for?

5. What does Ishvar hope to secure for Om upon returning to the village?

(see the answer keys)

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