Objects & Places from A Fine Balance

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Objects & Places from A Fine Balance

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Dina's flat

This building is where the sewing business is run from.

Vishram Vegetarian Restaurant

This building is where Ishvar and Om regularly have their tea.

Nusswan's house

This building is where Dina grew up and where she returns to later in life.

The hut in the slums

This building was flattened by the government.

The doorway of the chemist shop

This is where Ishvar and Om slept while they were homeless.

Mumtaz Tailoring

This building is where Ishvar, Om and his father, Narayan, were apprentices.

The Village

This is Ishvar and Om's hometown.

The Mountains

This is the area where Maneck and his family lived.

The General Store

This building is owned by Maneck's family.

The Emergency

This is a fabricated political situation at the time of the story.

The quilt

This is symbolic of the times that Dina spent with the tailors.

The Singers

This is...

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