A Feeling for the Organism: The Life and Work of Barbara McClintock Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Evelyn Fox Keller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Feeling for the Organism: The Life and Work of Barbara McClintock Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Evelyn Fox Keller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To what position was Barbara McClintock elected in 1945?
(a) Treasurer of the National Academy of Science.
(b) President of the Genetics Society.
(c) Secretary of the Genetics Society.
(d) Vice President of the National Academy of Science.

2. What part of the corn was considered to be the endosperm tissue?
(a) The silk.
(b) The stalk.
(c) The kernel.
(d) The husk.

3. In what year did Barbara McClintock receive her Ph.D.?
(a) 1930.
(b) 1935.
(c) 1927.
(d) 1923.

4. Who discovered the enormous salivary chromosomes of Drosophila?
(a) G. Beadle.
(b) T. Painter.
(c) J. Lenderberg.
(d) M. Rhoades.

5. Many mutations that were happening in the maize had never been seen before, and some of these involved gross changes in what?
(a) The productivity of the corn itself.
(b) The arrangement of the chromosomes.
(c) The nucleolus in the cells of the corn.
(d) The generation length.

6. How does an anatomist see chromosomes?
(a) As a property of the organism.
(b) As representing a chemical structure and a genetic code.
(c) As very small rod-shaped bodies possibly present in all cells.
(d) Through a math formula.

7. What did the Dean at the University of Missouri tell Barbara would happen if something happened to Stadler?
(a) That they would promote her to Stadler's job.
(b) That Stadler would try to get her to leave.
(c) That she could take the Dean's place after he retired.
(d) That they would have to fire her.

8. While at the University of Missouri, Barbara was given little encouragement and even another woman was promoted to the rank of associate professor of zoology. What was the woman's name?
(a) Harriet Creighton.
(b) Harriet Guthrie.
(c) Mary Jane Creighton.
(d) Mary Jane Guthrie.

9. What was the name of the book that was published by Morgan, Sturtevant, Muller, and Bridges?
(a) The Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity.
(b) The Theory of Mendelian Heredity.
(c) Mendelian Segregation.
(d) Medelian Mode of Inheritance.

10. In what year was the term "genetics" coined?
(a) 1905.
(b) 1912.
(c) 1915.
(d) 1902.

11. What was the name of T.H. Morgan's single laboratory at Columbia University?
(a) Fly Lab.
(b) Fly Room.
(c) Fly Guy's Lab.
(d) Guy's Room.

12. In what year was the Sixth European Nucleolar Workshop held?
(a) 1979.
(b) 1975.
(c) 1971.
(d) 1973.

13. The three major concerns of twentieth-century biology have been and still are what?
(a) Heredity, chromosomes, and evolution.
(b) Genes, development, and evolution.
(c) Heredity, development, and transposition.
(d) Heredity, development, and evolution.

14. The subject of cytogenetics is about the relationship between the chromosomes and what?
(a) The genetic systems.
(b) The nuclei.
(c) Transfusion.
(d) The chromatids.

15. What profession did Barbara's father have?
(a) He was a dentist.
(b) He was a fisherman.
(c) He was a doctor.
(d) He was a horse trainer.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who wrote the Recent Advances in Cytology?

2. When it became clear to Barbara that she could no longer stay at Missouri, what did she consider as a possible career?

3. What was the first name of Barbara's mother?

4. In the fall of what year did Evelyn Keller drive out to Cold Spring Harbor to speak with Barbara McClintock?

5. What kind of work did Barbara's mother do contribute and make money?

(see the answer keys)

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