A Feeling for the Organism: The Life and Work of Barbara McClintock Short Answer Test - Answer Key

Evelyn Fox Keller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Feeling for the Organism: The Life and Work of Barbara McClintock Short Answer Test - Answer Key

Evelyn Fox Keller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the A Feeling for the Organism: The Life and Work of Barbara McClintock Lesson Plans

1. In what year was Barbara McClintock born?


2. In what year was the term "genetics" coined?


3. What was the name of T.H. Morgan's single laboratory at Columbia University?

Fly Room.

4. What was the name of the science that was born in T. H. Morgan's lab?


5. What were the names of the flies that were used in studying genetics?


6. What was the name of the book that was published by Morgan, Sturtevant, Muller, and Bridges?

The Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity.

7. In what year did Barbara McClintock receive her Ph.D.?


8. What did Cornell geneticists study instead of fruit flies?


9. How often did fruit flies give geneticists a new generation to study?

Every 10 days.

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