A Dog's Purpose Test | Final Test - Hard

W. Bruce Cameron
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Dog's Purpose Test | Final Test - Hard

W. Bruce Cameron
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. After dinner Maya takes Ellie for a walk on a leash. Maya trots with Ellie at her side until ___________.

2. Why does the dog eat the food of an old dog named Leo?

3. How frequently does Ellie start going to work with Jakob?

4. What does Jakob tell Maya she should do?

5. Ethan puts the dog outside and tells him to go home, but the dog barks so much that he _______________.

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Bear's luck turn around in this section?

2. How does the dog save Ethan again in this section?

3. How does Ellie sacrifice herself in this section? Why?

4. How does Ellie's life compare to Bailey's?

5. How is Ethan able to see Bailey's true identity?

6. What repetition has taken place in each story so far? Why?

7. What are the parallels between Ethan and Jakob?

8. How have the dog and Ethan traded roles at the end of this book?

9. What repetition continues through this section? Why?

10. Describe Bear's owners. How do they compare to owners in previous lives?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The main character feels primal rage towards several characters in this book.

Part 1) For whom does the main character feel this strong rage? How does this rage influence how the dog acts? What are the consequences of the dog's actions? What can be learned from this?

Part 2) How can humans relate to this rage? Should humans react more like this dog to feelings of rage? Why or why not?

Part 3) When have you felt feelings of rage? How did you deal with these feelings? What have you learned from these feelings and the situation that led to this rage?

Essay Topic 2

The main character uses his knowledge from previous lives to guide him in new lives.

Part 1) What knowledge does the dog remember from one life to the next? How does he benefit from this knowledge? What is the purpose of his knowing about each of his lives?

Part 2) How can the reader relate to these multiple lives and the lessons and skills learned in each? How can the reader apply this in his or her one life?

Part 3) What knowledge do you have now that you would want to take with you to another life? How is this knowledge important? How could you benefit from it in another life?

Essay Topic 3

The main character has an affinity for humans.

Part 1) How is this revealed throughout the book? How do his feelings for humans compare to those of other animals? Why does he have this attachment to humans? How does this attachment affect him?

Part 2) Why might the author choose to have this main character like humans? How does this affect the story and the connection the reader has with the characters in the book?

Part 3) Overall, what are your own feelings regarding people? Do you relate more to the main character in the book or to another character in the book, regarding the security of human relationships with others? Why?

(see the answer keys)

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