A Dog's Purpose Test | Final Test - Easy

W. Bruce Cameron
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Dog's Purpose Test | Final Test - Easy

W. Bruce Cameron
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Ellie know that Jakob is a policeman?
(a) He wears a badge that says policeman.
(b) He is mean like a policeman.
(c) He wears dark clothes with a gun in his belt.
(d) He tells her he is a policeman.

2. One day Jakob takes Ellie to the woods where they meet a man named ______________ who pets her and then runs away. Jakob teaches Ellie to find this man.
(a) Wally.
(b) Will.
(c) William.
(d) Willy.

3. The dog, reverting to his identity as Bailey, tries to jump into Ethan's lap. What does he love about Ethan?
(a) The food Ethan feeds him.
(b) Ethan's smell.
(c) Ethan's voice.
(d) The feel of the old man's hand on his face.

4. Jakob takes Ellie to the park to _________.
(a) Relax.
(b) Play games.
(c) Work.
(d) Run.

5. Maya is ______________ Jakob.
(a) Much slower than.
(b) A little slower than.
(c) A little faster than.
(d) Much faster than.

6. Ellie starts to feel there is something sad inside Jakob that keeps him from _________.
(a) Taking care of her.
(b) Getting his work done.
(c) Doing his job well.
(d) Showing affection.

7. Buddy feels what in Ethan?
(a) A deep sadness.
(b) A deep anxiety.
(c) A happiness.
(d) A contentedness.

8. The government of _________________ is overwhelmed with more than 4,000 injured, hundreds dead, and people still trapped.
(a) Buenos Aires.
(b) El Salvador.
(c) Quito.
(d) Mexico City.

9. Ethan tries different names on the dog, and the dog finally responds to what name?
(a) Bobby.
(b) Buddy.
(c) Bailey.
(d) Billy.

10. The dog has ___________ brothers and sisters.
(a) Eight.
(b) Four.
(c) Ten.
(d) Two.

11. Ethan asks the man what will happen and the man tells him what?
(a) He will be sold for a great deal of money.
(b) He will be difficult to get rid of.
(c) A black Lab will be adopted easily.
(d) The dog will be put down.

12. How often do Maya and Ellie work?
(a) One day a week.
(b) Every day.
(c) A few days a week.
(d) Almost every day.

13. What does the puppy wonder?
(a) Where he will live.
(b) Who is owner will be.
(c) What his name will be.
(d) All the things he has learned in his different lifetimes.

14. What does Jakob tell Maya she should do?
(a) Let him have Ellie back.
(b) Not try so hard.
(c) Give up.
(d) Try harder.

15. Why does the woman with the dog who smells of Hannah call out to him?
(a) He is so skinny.
(b) He is chasing her dog.
(c) He is limping.
(d) He is growling.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when Ethan is contacted and told the dog was to be adopted?

2. During the next days, Ellie and Maya found two children who had wandered away and a dead man. Maya is _____________ about the dead man than Jakob had been about such things.

3. Why does the dog jump into the policeman's truck?

4. Bailey wonders how he could have a more important mission than ___________.

5. The puppy's new home reminds her of what place?

(see the answer keys)

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