A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Enguerrange III known for?
(a) His oppressive taxation.
(b) The generosity of his noblemen.
(c) His brigandage.
(d) His conquests.

2. How did Dauphin Charles try to raise money?
(a) By selling indulgences.
(b) By increasing taxation.
(c) By devaluing the coinage.
(d) By borrowing from the Swiss.

3. How did the poor organize to oppose the influence of the rich?
(a) They formed brotherhoods.
(b) They formed labor unions.
(c) They held town hall meetings.
(d) They formed militias.

4. What did the Jacquerie inspire in France?
(a) Political discussions.
(b) Independence for peasants.
(c) Repressive measures from the king.
(d) Armed insurrections.

5. How are the wealthy different from the poor in size of their families?
(a) They typically send extra children away.
(b) They typically have smaller families.
(c) They typically have larger families.
(d) They typically take in foster children.

6. What was the effect of mercenaries on the French countryside?
(a) They brought peace and allowed prosperity to take hold.
(b) They protected the towns from invaders.
(c) They wrought havoc on the population.
(d) They collected taxes with violence.

7. How did the church make money in the beginning of the 14th century?
(a) Taxing mercantile cities.
(b) Selling slaves and imports.
(c) Selling offices and imposing fines.
(d) Conquering foreign lands.

8. Whom did the Jacquerie kill?
(a) Knights and nobles.
(b) Peasants.
(c) Clergy.
(d) The pope.

9. How long did it take to build the castle of Coucy?
(a) Seven years.
(b) Seventeen years.
(c) Seventy years.
(d) Seven generations.

10. What did the Pastoreaux do to oppose the Church?
(a) They besieged the castle at Coucy.
(b) They burned buildings and opened prisons.
(c) They attacked Jews.
(d) They marched on Rome.

11. How did wealthy men create a base of commerce at Coucy?
(a) They used the port as a center for foreign trade.
(b) They sent overland cargo transports to Italy and the East.
(c) They sold their support to the landowners.
(d) They taxed the people and imported spices from India with the proceeds.

12. What resulted from the depopulation of Europe during the plague?
(a) Labor was cheaper.
(b) Knights returned to their estates.
(c) Rents decreased.
(d) Factories sprang up.

13. What could bastard sons buy from the church in the beginning of the 14th century?
(a) Brides.
(b) Papers of legitimacy.
(c) Military appointments.
(d) Nobility papers.

14. How did the black plague affect the animals of Europe?
(a) They died from eating diseased bodies.
(b) They entered into people's homes looking for safe food.
(c) They vacated the continent until the plague had passed.
(d) Their populations thrived with all the bodies to eat.

15. What technology was revolutionizing warfare in the 14th century?
(a) Observation balloons.
(b) Longbows and guns.
(c) Poison gas.
(d) Artillery.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many people died of the black plague?

2. What answer is offered for anything that cannot be explained?

3. Where are the sons of the poor sent when they reach an age to learn a trade?

4. Where did Sir Robert Knollys lead his army when he invaded France?

5. Who was exempt from taxation?

(see the answer keys)

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