A Deepness in the Sky Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Deepness in the Sky Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter Twenty, who reveals that there are problems stabilizing the rock piles they are trying to mine?
(a) Gonle.
(b) Rhapsa.
(c) Pham.
(d) Qiwi.

2. Who says that the plans to remain during the Dark sound like a plan to commit a mass murder in the end of the debate in Chapter Twenty-Four?
(a) Brent.
(b) Pedure.
(c) Gokna.
(d) Trud.

3. In Chapter Thirty-Three, Reynolt notes that who is valuable to the Emergents' cause because of his interest in human development during a time that mimicked that of Spider development?
(a) Jimmy Diem.
(b) Captain Park.
(c) Ezr Vinh.
(d) Pham Trilini.

4. In Chapter Thirty-Eight, Pham recalls a meeting where he found himself involved in a plot to do what?
(a) Steal money.
(b) Mislead the public.
(c) Blow up a planet.
(d) Kill billions of people.

5. Who argues that Spiders don't need to go through a Dark in order to have a soul in the debate in Chapter Twenty-Four?
(a) Sherkaner.
(b) Ezr Vinh.
(c) Director Ann Reynolt.
(d) Thomas Nau.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who feels ashamed of his attack on Qiwi in Chapter Twenty-Six?

2. What refers to a stratagem employed to conceal something or evade an argument?

3. In Chapter Thirty-Four, Ezr sees Qiwi and realizes that she's grown into what?

4. In Chapter Twenty-Eight, four children of Serkaner's encounter two children who are less than how old?

5. In Chapter Twenty-Six, Pham contacts Ezr through a children's game called what?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Thomas Nau propose a toast to the two groups in Chapter Forty-Two?

2. Who are the parents of the young children at the Museum in Chapter Twenty-Eight? What do they reveal?

3. How does Ezr discover Pham Trilini's identity in Chapter Twenty-Six?

4. How does Spider society respond to Sherkaner's family?

5. What are Pham's thoughts on the focusing process in Chapter Twenty-Two?

6. How does Unnerby feel about Sherkaner's children in Chapter Forty-Three?

7. What woman is missing, according to Floria Peres in Chapter Twenty-One? Why?

8. How does Unnerby break military rules in Chapter Twenty-Nine? Why?

9. Hare do the societal values of the Spiders relate to human society?

10. What does Ritsel reveal about Qiwi in Chapter Twenty-Six?

(see the answer keys)

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