A Deepness in the Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Deepness in the Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter Forty-One, Unnerby visits Sherkaner and learns that who has enlisted in the military?
(a) Victory Junior.
(b) Brent.
(c) Pedure.
(d) Gokna.

2. In Chapter Twenty-Three, there is extensive discussion about the idea of the "perversion" of having children how amongst the Spiders?
(a) Before marriage.
(b) In public.
(c) As twins.
(d) Out of cycle.

3. How many children are taken away by Spiders who are dressed as guards in Chapter Twenty-Eight?
(a) 12.
(b) 21.
(c) 15.
(d) 6.

4. In Chapter Thirty-Six, Ezr predicts the Spiders will detect the presence of the humans in less than how long?
(a) A decade.
(b) A month.
(c) A year.
(d) A week.

5. In Chapter Twenty-Three, Ezr wakes during what year after the Relight?
(a) The tenth.
(b) The fourteenth.
(c) The twenty-first.
(d) The eighth.

6. What refers to a stratagem employed to conceal something or evade an argument?
(a) Dishonesty.
(b) Faux Pas.
(c) Subterfuge.
(d) Insubordinance.

7. What was recently discovered in the Kindred region of control in Chapter Forty-One?
(a) Computer discs.
(b) Diamond mines.
(c) Magic rock flour.
(d) A slave-trading post.

8. With whom was Pham Trilini in love with and had many children, some while he was away building the empire they dreamed of, as recalled in Chapter Twenty-Two?
(a) Victory Smith.
(b) Director Ann Reynolt.
(c) Sura Vinh.
(d) Trixia Bronsol.

9. Victory Junior and what other child of Sherkaner's participates in the debate against allowing the Spider program to continue in Chapter Twenty-Four?
(a) Brent.
(b) Gokna.
(c) Trud.
(d) Pedure.

10. Who are the parents of the two children who are encountered by Serkaner's children in Chapter Twenty-Eight?
(a) Trenchet and Alendon Suabism.
(b) Luan and Thomas Nau.
(c) Ali and Ritsel Brughel.
(d) Luan and Qiwi Lisolet.

11. Sherkaner's wife reveals that Pedure's church is called what in Chapter Twenty-Five?
(a) The Church of the Light.
(b) The Church of the Dark.
(c) The Church of the Truth.
(d) The Church of the Savior.

12. In Chapter Twenty-Six, Ritsel thinks that the _____ that have performed on Qiwi over the years have become a highlight of entertainment for him.
(a) Brainwipes.
(b) Neuroclearings.
(c) Thoughtcleanings.
(d) Mindscrubs.

13. In Chapter Twenty-Eight, four children of Serkaner's encounter two children who are less than how old?
(a) Ten years.
(b) Two years.
(c) Seven years.
(d) Five years.

14. What is the name of the home where Sherkaner's family lives?
(a) Valley Yurt.
(b) Mound Ranch.
(c) Mountain Villa.
(d) Hill House.

15. In Chapter Thirty-Four, Ezr comes off his coldsleep period earlier than he'd expected and goes to whose bar?
(a) Qiwi Lisolet's.
(b) Benny Wen's.
(c) Gonle Fong's.
(d) Pham Nuwen's.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter Twenty-Four, the debate against allowing the Spider program to continue is voiced by who and two of Sherkaner's children?

2. In Chapter Thirty-Three, Reynolt notes that who is valuable to the Emergents' cause because of his interest in human development during a time that mimicked that of Spider development?

3. What was the technology called which were used for many purposes, but Pham's initial contact with them included the owner's use of them to read Pham's organ functions and thought processes without his knowledge that it was happening?

4. In Chapter Thirty-One, what do the children hear just as the kidnappers arrive and try to move them to a different location?

5. What man assigned to oversee the focused linguists during the translation rushes back to face Thomas Nau, knowing that he's going to be blamed for not providing adequate oversight in Chapter Twenty-Four?

(see the answer keys)

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