Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is wrong with the cow after she delivers the calf?
2. What was the profession of the relative mentioned in #66?
3. What does Robert's father consider the piglet to be?
4. What does Robert think is the role of a tutor?
5. Who is one of the twin calves named after?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why is Robert not offended by the stench of animal slaughtering on his father?
2. What is the relationship between Robert and Pinky?
3. Describe how Robert appreciates the beauty of nature in Chapter 7.
4. What does Robert mean by saying that Pinky is no "frill?"
5. What Shaker belief rules the building of Pinky's home?
6. What delight does Robert find waiting for him when he arrives home?
7. What is the irony of the rough blanket for Robert?
8. What is humorous about Robert's interpretation of his aunt's proposal of tutoring?
9. How does everyone at the farm view the birth of the new kittens?
10. How is Aunt Mattie's exasperation also a source of humor?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
An important theme in the book is isolation based on Robert's being both the son of a poor farmer as well as a Shaker. How does Robert manage his feelings of being different from so many people in the area? Will Robert maintain his simple ways or will he lean into education and technology to improve his future? Explain.
Essay Topic 2
One of the most important lessons Papa teaches Robert is when Papa slaughters Pinky so that the family will have some much-needed food. Name three lessons inherent in this scenario and why they are such big teaching examples for Robert.
Essay Topic 3
Describe the day that Papa dies. How does Robert assimilate his father's role literally and figuratively? Explain.
This section contains 877 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |