A Day No Pigs Would Die Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Day No Pigs Would Die Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Widow Bascom ask Robert to help her with?
(a) Dig a garden
(b) Run some errands
(c) Carry heavy flowerpots
(d) Paint her fence

2. What does Papa tell Robert before he leaves to go to the fair?
(a) Be polite to adults
(b) Listen to Mr. Tanner
(c) Papa has never been to Rutland
(d) Don't take any wooden nickels

3. What never happens in spite of Papa's best efforts?
(a) Robert can't go to college
(b) Papa goes to the fair
(c) A deer does not pass by
(d) Mama does not get a new dress

4. Papa tells Robert that both dying and ________________ are dirty business.
(a) Branding
(b) Being born
(c) Living
(d) Farming

5. What day does Papa decide to kill Pinky?
(a) Friday
(b) Saturday
(c) Thursday
(d) Tuesday

6. What special treat does the family have for dinner?
(a) Apple pie
(b) Cherry bread
(c) Chocolate cake
(d) Raspberry pudding

7. Mama says that ____________ might benefit from some loving kindness.
(a) Widow Bascom
(b) Aunt Carrie
(c) Mama
(d) Papa

8. What kills one of the hens during the night?
(a) A hawk
(b) A weasel
(c) A fox
(d) A dog

9. Who had been the child's mother?
(a) Mrs. Hillman
(b) A hired woman in the Hillman home
(c) Aunt Carrie
(d) Robert's teacher

10. What Shaker belief overshadows Robert's happiness at the prospect of paying off the farm?
(a) The sin of greed
(b) The sin of ambition
(c) The sin of pride
(d) The sin of jealousy

11. What does Robert notice when he looks outside?
(a) The sheriff
(b) A full moon
(c) A blizzard
(d) Yellow light in the shed

12. Whose voice does Robert not hear coming from downstairs?
(a) Mama's
(b) Papa's
(c) Aunt Carrie's
(d) Mrs. Hillman's

13. What does Mama want from the animal Robert hunts?
(a) Ground up nuts
(b) Dinner
(c) Antlers
(d) Fur

14. What crop will be diminished due to Robert's actions?
(a) Apples
(b) Corn
(c) Wheat
(d) Oats

15. What does Papa mean when he tells Robert they should go "get it done."
(a) Sell Pinky
(b) Breed Pinky
(c) Let Pinky run free
(d) Slaughter Pinky

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Robert leave out of his story about going to the fair?

2. What is Robert's role in the barrel exercise?

3. What do Papa and the other men put into a barrel?

4. What does Robert do to his father after he kills Pinky?

5. What is Papa's last word to Robert as he drops him off at the Tanners'?

(see the answer keys)

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