A Daughter of Han; the Autobiography of a Chinese Working Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Lao Toai-Toai Ning
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Daughter of Han; the Autobiography of a Chinese Working Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Lao Toai-Toai Ning
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the A Daughter of Han; the Autobiography of a Chinese Working Woman Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened to Lao when she was seven?
(a) Her mother began working outside the home.
(b) Her father died.
(c) Her brother was born.
(d) Her family bound her feet.

2. What did the neighbors do concerning Lao and Fats'ai's mother's relationship after Fats'ai's death?
(a) Made Lao watch Fats'ai's mother.
(b) Took Fats'ai's mother to a hospital.
(c) Sent Fats'ai's mother away.
(d) Found Fats'ai's mother another child.

3. Where did Fats'ai hide while playing with Lao one day?
(a) In an attic.
(b) In a water container.
(c) Behind a tree.
(d) At a stranger's house.

4. Why did Lao visit her parents after she was married?
(a) It was tradition.
(b) Her sister needed help.
(c) She sneaked them food.
(d) They missed her.

5. When Lao returned to the home of her parents while pregnant, what did she plan to do?
(a) Steal their money.
(b) Go to college.
(c) Learn to beg.
(d) Clean for them.

Short Answer Questions

1. At 13, what did Lao's parents teach her?

2. What information concerning stories and legends does Lao state about a dog?

3. Why did Yintze's parents react in such a way as Yintze left their visits?

4. What was Lao's husband by trade?

5. How often did Lao visit her parents while she was married?

Short Essay Questions

1. After Lao's two daughters were born, what life choice did she make?

2. Why did Lao detail her bound feet?

3. What happened to Chinya?

4. What was Lao's husband like?

5. What situation helped Lao as she moved to her husband's home?

6. Why would neighbors criticize Lao's mother?

7. Why did Lao tell several stories and legends?

8. How did Lao's brother treat her?

9. How were Lao's parents similar?

10. How did Lao behave when she visited her parents?

(see the answer keys)

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