A Dangerous Fortune Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Dangerous Fortune Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the last decade, by Part 3, Chapter 2, how many bonds has Pilaster Bank given Cordova?
(a) One a year.
(b) One total.
(c) Two a year.
(d) Five total.

2. What does the Prince of Wales tell Maisie that he will do for her?
(a) Speak with Augusta.
(b) Tell Augusta to stay away from Nora.
(c) Ignore Augusta.
(d) Forgive Augusta.

3. Where do Edward and Augusta spend the rest of Edward's life?
(a) Jail.
(b) Cordova.
(c) The south of France.
(d) Lima, Peru.

4. What does Hugh tell Micky about Edward in Part 3, Chapter 2?
(a) That he knows about the drowning.
(b) That Edward will be asked to leave the bank.
(c) That Edward is in love with him.
(d) That Edward knows Micky is up to no good.

5. Why does Emily move back in to Whitehaven?
(a) To annoy Augusta.
(b) So she can get pregnant.
(c) She misses Edward.
(d) To get her annulment.

Short Answer Questions

1. To whom does Maisie take Emily to find answers to her questions that she poses at the afternoon tea?

2. What hope does Hugh have if the Silva's faction wins the revolution?

3. What does Maisie find out from Count Tokoly?

4. Why do Hugh and Samuel decide to resign from the bank?

5. What does Maisie say only a few moments after Hugh arrives to give his condolences in Part 2, Chapter 5?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Emily do to attempt to have Edward's child, and how does it all backfire?

2. What does Hugh piece together in Part 3, and what does he do with the information? How is it received?

3. How much time has passed between the end of Part 2, and the beginning of Part 3? What major changes have occurred?

4. What is the concern over the Cordovan loans and the revolution?

5. What has become of Edward's and Micky's marriages by Part 2, Chapter 5?

6. In Part 2, Chapter 3, what is Micky's plan to stop Tonio, and how is the plan carried out?

7. What does Maisie discover about the incident at the ball, and how does she make the discovery?

8. Hugh makes a major decision about his future after he speaks to Ben in Part 2, Chapter 5. What is the decision? Why does he make it? What is the outcome?

9. How does Micky escape the authorities and still wind up dead?

10. What happens between Rachel and Micky in Part 2, Chapter 4?

(see the answer keys)

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