A Dangerous Fortune Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Dangerous Fortune Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Part 2, Chapter 3, why does Sidney Madler come to London to see Joseph?
(a) He is angry that Hugh is not a partner.
(b) He is angry that business is not going well.
(c) He is happy about the business.
(d) He wants to make another deal.

2. What does Edward tell Micky about Whitehaven?
(a) He needs to move away from his mother.
(b) He hates the house.
(c) Emily has moved back in.
(d) The house is too small.

3. Why does Emily move back in to Whitehaven?
(a) To annoy Augusta.
(b) So she can get pregnant.
(c) To get her annulment.
(d) She misses Edward.

4. What were the Mirandas planning on doing with the money they wanted to obtain from Pilaster's Bank?
(a) Lay seige to the capital of Cordova.
(b) Build a harbor.
(c) Build another railroad.
(d) Open more mines.

5. Why doesn't Ben continue his relationship with his daughter-in-law, Maisie?
(a) She was a commoner and the child was not Solly's.
(b) She is not Jewish.
(c) Ben does not trust that she will handle money well.
(d) She is mean to Ben.

6. How does Edward get Solly to agree to give money to the Santamaria Railroad?
(a) Edward has to take a share in a scheme of Solly's.
(b) Edward has to be nicer to Hugh.
(c) Edward has to make a personal guarantee.
(d) Edward has to give up his partnership.

7. What news does Nora give Hugh in Part 2, Chapter 5 that stops Hugh from making a major decision about his future?
(a) She knows Bertie is his.
(b) She is pregnant.
(c) She threatens Maisie if Hugh should leave her.
(d) She wants to leave him.

8. How does Emily respond to Edward in Part 2, Chapter 4 when he finds out that she has tricked him?
(a) She tells Edward it is his fault.
(b) She begs him to not give up on them.
(c) She kicks Micky in the groin.
(d) She punches him.

9. What gift does Hugh give to Nora after Maisie's party?
(a) A diamond ring.
(b) Ruby earings.
(c) A pendant of rubies and sapphires.
(d) A sapphire brooch.

10. What does Maisie ask of Hugh after they return from Bertie's school in Part 3, Chapter 1?
(a) To avenge Solly's death.
(b) To stay at the bank.
(c) To loan her money.
(d) To come home with her.

11. In Part 3, how does Nora treat her children?
(a) With irritability.
(b) She ignores them.
(c) With love and affection.
(d) Well, but not warmly.

12. What happens to Tonio at the train station in Part 3, Chapter 4?
(a) He slips and falls in front of the train.
(b) Micky pushes him in front of the train.
(c) He joins Micky and attempts to kill Hugh.
(d) Micky shoots him.

13. Why does Ben Greenbourne go to Windfield in the Epilogue?
(a) He wants to cause trouble for Maisie and Hugh.
(b) He wants to watch Bertie's water polo game.
(c) He wants Bertie to be his grandson again.
(d) He wants to find out if Bertie is Hugh's son.

14. What does Hugh give Dotty for her dowry?
(a) 100,000 pounds.
(b) A house.
(c) A dukedon.
(d) A farm.

15. What does Hugh think about telling Ben in Part 3, Chapter 3?
(a) That Micky killed Solly.
(b) That Solly never loved his father.
(c) That Ben is a mean old man.
(d) That Bertie is Hugh's son.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Micky angry that he runs into Hugh when he returns to the club to play cards with Edward in Part 2, Chapter 5?

2. What is happening at Nellie's that is a gimmick that April put into practice?

3. Why do Hugh and Samuel decide to resign from the bank?

4. What does Hugh tell the family that they must do after the bank folds?

5. What does Hugh tell Micky about Edward in Part 3, Chapter 2?

(see the answer keys)

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