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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is Barbara's surname?
(a) Garston.
(b) Gosmore.
(c) Gumley.
(d) Goring.
2. When Widmerpool and Jenkins meet in Chapter 3 of "A Buyer's Market", who does Widmerpool bring up as a topic of conversation?
(a) His mother.
(b) Gypsy.
(c) Le Bas.
(d) Barbara.
3. Where is Jenkins employed in Chapter 1 of "A Buyer's Market"?
(a) A firm that buys art books.
(b) An antique book shop.
(c) A newspaper.
(d) A gallery.
4. At the beginning of "A Buyer's Market", what event does Jenkins attend?
(a) A housewarming.
(b) An estate sale.
(c) A play.
(d) A garden party.
5. Whose home is Jenkins invited to in Chapter 3 of "A Buyer's Market"?
(a) Widmerpool's.
(b) Giles'.
(c) Templer's.
(d) The Waldpole-Wilsons'.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who owns the building Ralph lives in?
2. Where does Jenkins say he is living in Chapter 1 of "A Buyer's Market"?
3. Who does Jenkins meet again at Deacon's event?
4. What is Ralph's occupation?
5. What firm does Widmerpool now work for in Chapter 1 of "A Buyer's Market"?
Short Essay Questions
1. Who is Max Pilgrim? Why do he and Deacon argue in Chapter 2 of "A Buyer's Market"?
2. What happens on the way to the dance in Chapter 1 of "A Buyer's Market" which confuses Jenkins?
3. As Jenkins and his acquaintances are having coffee in Chapter 1 of "A Buyer's Market", who comes along with an invitation for them?
4. After meeting Barbara Goring, what does Jenkins worry about?
5. When does Jenkins realize his feelings for Barbara must be cooling?
6. What does Barnby tell Jenkins about Deacon when they meet?
7. Who is Ralph Barnby?
8. In Jenkins' eyes, what makes Eleanor different from the other society girls?
9. Where does Jenkins encounter Widmerpool in Chapter 1 of "A Buyer's Market"? What does he find out about Widmerpool ?
10. How do Jenkins and Widmerpool react to the news of Barbara's engagement?
This section contains 718 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |