A Dance to the Music of Time: A Question of Upbringing. a Buyer's Market. the Acceptance World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Dance to the Music of Time: A Question of Upbringing. a Buyer's Market. the Acceptance World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the beginning of "A Buyer's Market", what event does Jenkins attend?
(a) A housewarming.
(b) An estate sale.
(c) A play.
(d) A garden party.

2. What is Gypsy's surname?
(a) James.
(b) Jackson.
(c) Jones.
(d) Johnson.

3. What does Jenkins think is pressed against him on the way to the dance in Chapter 1 of "A Buyer's Market"?
(a) A breast.
(b) A foot.
(c) A shoulder.
(d) A hand.

4. When does Stringham say his wedding will take place?
(a) June.
(b) October.
(c) March.
(d) December.

5. What is Rosie's surname?
(a) Manasch.
(b) Middle.
(c) Moreland.
(d) Moller.

6. What does Widmerpool do at the firm he works for?
(a) He is an advisor.
(b) He is an accountant.
(c) He is an banker.
(d) He is a solicitor.

7. What does Deacon ask Jenkins about when they meet on the street in Chapter 1 of "A Buyer's Market"?
(a) Jenkins' girlfriend.
(b) Jenkins' housing situation.
(c) Jenkins' parents.
(d) Jenkins' religious affiliation.

8. What does Widmerpool say about Jenkins' employment?
(a) It must leave him wanting for money.
(b) It sounds fulfilling.
(c) He should aim to take over the place.
(d) It doesn't seem to have a promising future.

9. What is Ralph's occupation?
(a) He is an artist.
(b) He is a journalist.
(c) He is a college professor.
(d) He is a musician.

10. Who leaves the party early in Chapter 2 of "A Buyer's Market"?
(a) Gypsy.
(b) Widmerpool.
(c) Barbara.
(d) Jenkins.

11. Who owns the house Jenkins is at in Chapter 2 of "A Buyer's Market"?
(a) Bob Duport.
(b) Bob Durbin.
(c) Bob Ducre.
(d) Bob Dufresne.

12. Why does Widmerpool decline to be introduced to someone by Truscott at the party?
(a) He has to leave the party.
(b) He has had too much to drink.
(c) He thinks Truscott playing a prank on him.
(d) He isn't interested in meeting them.

13. Whose home is Jenkins invited to in Chapter 3 of "A Buyer's Market"?
(a) The Waldpole-Wilsons'.
(b) Widmerpool's.
(c) Templer's.
(d) Giles'.

14. Where is Jenkins employed in Chapter 1 of "A Buyer's Market"?
(a) A newspaper.
(b) An antique book shop.
(c) A gallery.
(d) A firm that buys art books.

15. To whom does Jenkins compare Deacon?
(a) Le Bas.
(b) Giles.
(c) Widmerpool.
(d) Stringham.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Barbara's surname?

2. Who or what does Thompsitt ask Jenkins about in Chapter 1 of "A Buyer's Market"?

3. Who does Pilgrim argue with at the party in Chapter 2 of "A Buyer's Market"?

4. What does Jenkins note Deacon had not particularly liked?

5. Who is Jenkins relieved to hear is out of the country in Chapter 3 of "A Buyer's Market"?

(see the answer keys)

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