A Crown of Swords Test | Final Test - Medium

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A Crown of Swords Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where was Moghedien pulled after the a'dam collar is removed?
(a) The world of dreams.
(b) The pit of doom.
(c) The Stone of Tear.
(d) The Aiel Wasteland.

2. About what does Lan tell Matt concerning Moghedien?
(a) Her attack on Lan as he was saving Nynaeve.
(b) Her attack on Nynaeve.
(c) Her plans to gain the Bowl of Winds before Elayne's group.
(d) Her killing of Beslan.

3. What is Morgase thinking of doing when Balwer enters her tent?
(a) Trying to escape.
(b) Giving Lady Suroth her kingdom.
(c) Killing herself.
(d) Trying to kill Lady Suroth.

4. What did Mat do in the past that makes Birgitte think he would know her?
(a) Get the fox medallion.
(b) Go through the twisted doorway.
(c) Blow the Horn of Valere.
(d) Read about Jain Farstrider's adventures.

5. What does Balwer tell Morgase?
(a) That Rand is on his way to rescue them.
(b) That the Seanchan have conquered Arad Doman.
(c) That Pedron Niall is dead.
(d) That he can sneak them out of camp.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who goes with Perrin when he leaves Rand's camp?

2. What descends upon Rand's camp just after Rand begins a demonstration sword fight?

3. Where does Perrin go to through a doorway?

4. What are Elayne and Nynaeve doing?

5. Who shields Elayne from her power when she goes to retrieve the Bowl of Winds?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens as Nynaeve is on a boat to go meet with the Sea Folk?

2. What does Lady Suroth want and what are Morgase's thoughts about the request?

3. What does Elayne tell the women in the Circle that causes much emotion?

4. What does Birgitte say to Mat when he asks how she got there?

5. Describe the first encounter between Mat and Tylin when Mat moves to the Palace.

6. Whom does Mat find in his room and whom does he realize the person is?

7. What happens while Morgase is in her tent in Chapter 26 and where does she go?

8. What does Perrin decide to do after his argument with Rand?

9. Where does Anan take Elayne and Nynaeve and what does Anan do on the way?

10. About what does Rand worry and how does Min set his mind at ease?

(see the answer keys)

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