A Crown of Swords Test | Final Test - Easy

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A Crown of Swords Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the proportion of Aes Sedai to Circle members?
(a) No one knows.
(b) They are roughly the same in number.
(c) About half as many Aes Sedai as Circle members.
(d) About half as many Circle members as Aes Sedai.

2. Whom does Rand get to swear fealty to him?
(a) The people who follow the Prophet of the Dragon Reborn.
(b) The Sea Folk.
(c) The Seanchan.
(d) The Whitecloaks.

3. Who tries to heal Rand?
(a) No one since it is not a physical wound.
(b) The camp doctor.
(c) Min.
(d) Everyone who can channel.

4. What frightens Reanne?
(a) That the White Tower will learn about the Circle.
(b) That Nynaeve and Elayne will bring the Seanchan down on them accidentally.
(c) That Nynaeve and Elayne will bring the Seanchan down on them intentionally.
(d) That Nynaeve and Elayne will find the Bowl of Winds and misuse it.

5. What does Nynaeve believe of Moghedien?
(a) That Rand will take care of her with balefire.
(b) That she is lying in wait for them on some dark alley.
(c) That she has been killed by the Seanchan.
(d) That she has left Ebou Dou.

6. What happens as Nynaeve and Elayne are on their way back to the Palace?
(a) They are asked for help in healing a young girl.
(b) They get lost.
(c) They encounter a Black Ajah Aes Sedai.
(d) They are attacked.

7. Where do some strange soldiers take Morgase?
(a) To meet with Lady Suroth.
(b) To be executed.
(c) To sign an agreement between Andor and the Seanchan.
(d) To meet with Rand.

8. Who is the dancer who performs for Morgase?
(a) The ruler of a kingdom Suroth has conquered.
(b) An Aes Sedai.
(c) Morgase's cousin.
(d) Morgase's daughter.

9. Who goes with Perrin when he leaves Rand's camp?
(a) No one.
(b) Mat and Elayne.
(c) Just Faile.
(d) Faile and many others.

10. What does a servant report to Morgase?
(a) That Rand al'Thor wishes to speak with her.
(b) That Rahvin is dead.
(c) That there are large bat-like creatures landing in the distance.
(d) That Elayne has sent her a letter.

11. What does Rand's group find when they travel through camp?
(a) People who are unconscious.
(b) Torn up corpses.
(c) Nothing out of the ordinary.
(d) No one.

12. Who has been loaned to Nynaeve until she finds her own warder?
(a) Caidal.
(b) Gawain.
(c) Mat.
(d) Lan.

13. Why is Elayne drunk?
(a) Because she learns her mother is dead.
(b) Because Birgitte got drunk.
(c) Because she is bored.
(d) Because she is depressed that Rand is involved with Min.

14. Who is with Mat when Tylin stops him from going out?
(a) Olver.
(b) Setalle.
(c) Nynaeve.
(d) Elayne.

15. What does Mat offer Elayne?
(a) His second favorite scarf.
(b) His fox ring.
(c) His spear.
(d) The fox medallion.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Elaida ask of Seaine?

2. What does Alviarin tell Elaida as Elaida wakes?

3. What are Reanne and her compatriots shocked to hear?

4. How does Beslan shock Mat?

5. Why does Anan stop at every Inn on the way out of the city?

(see the answer keys)

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