A Crown of Swords Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

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A Crown of Swords Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chatper 11-15.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To whom will Egwene give Lan's bond eventually?
(a) Egwene.
(b) Moiraine.
(c) Elayne.
(d) Nynaeve.

2. Why does Egwene send Lan on a mission?
(a) To punish Nynaeve.
(b) To get him away from Salidar.
(c) To motivate him to stay alive.
(d) To punish Myrelle.

3. What does Rand order as he enters the city?
(a) Imprison all the nobles.
(b) Capture all the Aes Sedai.
(c) Gather the food to a central location.
(d) No killing.

4. What does Egwene ask of the Aes Sedai who were hiding Lan?
(a) To follow Lan from a distance.
(b) To swear fealty to her.
(c) To join the Salidar tower.
(d) To leave Salidar.

5. Why does Egwene want to go to Rand?
(a) She wants to show him how to enter the dream world.
(b) She is fearful for him.
(c) She needs him to channel saidin to find Marigan.
(d) She needs to break off their engagement.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kept Rand from going mad when locked in the box?

2. Why does Omerna stab Niall?

3. Why do two younger Aes Sedai tell Egwene they follow her?

4. What do Nynaeve and Elayne want to destroy?

5. Whom does Faile fail to acknowledge?

(see the answer key)

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