A Crown of Swords Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

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A Crown of Swords Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 21-25.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lord Bryne want of Egwene?
(a) To refuse to let the Band of the Red Hand camp near Bryne's men.
(b) To go with him to see something.
(c) To give him money to pay his men.
(d) To allow him to return to Andor.

2. What does Rand do after listening to Cadsuane for a while?
(a) Orders the Wise Ones to hold her.
(b) Asks for her help.
(c) Tells her to leave.
(d) Tries to silence her with saidin.

3. What does Egwene tell Myrelle to do?
(a) Take a message to Rand.
(b) Ride with her and Siuan.
(c) Take a message to Nynaeve.
(d) Infiltrate the White Tower.

4. Who is Moghedien?
(a) Rand's counselor.
(b) Marigan's true name.
(c) Egwene's best friend.
(d) One of the Yellow Ajah.

5. Why is Faile enraged at Perrin?
(a) For being Rand's lackey.
(b) For going off to the Two Rivers without her.
(c) For making her worry about him.
(d) For being too close to Berelain.

Short Answer Questions

1. To whom will Egwene give Lan's bond eventually?

2. Whom did Lews Therin kill?

3. Through what does Egwene sort the rest of the night?

4. What amuses Cadsuane about the Aes Sedai who asked her the question?

5. What does Carridin tell Shiaine to do?

(see the answer key)

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