A Corner of the Universe Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Corner of the Universe Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What startles Hattie when she heads home and sees Nana and Papa's house?
(a) Nana and Papa are dancing on the lawn.
(b) A police car is sitting outside.
(c) A fire truck is pulling up.
(d) Adam is throwing a hysterical fit.

2. What does Hattie tell Nana the day before Adam's funeral?
(a) No one can make her go to the funeral.
(b) She wants to speak at the funeral.
(c) She feels guilty about Adam's death.
(d) She blames Nana for Adam's death.

3. Why does Adam not eat the dessert the rest of the family is having?
(a) He is too excited to eat.
(b) He does not like raspberries.
(c) He wants ice cream from the ice cream truck.
(d) He is too full for dessert.

4. Why does Nana order Adam to leave the dining room?
(a) Because he started to mimic everything she said.
(b) Because he would not stop burping.
(c) Because he was finished with his meal.
(d) Because he tried to trip Ermaline.

5. Why does Hattie go to the park to cry?
(a) Adam had yelled at her.
(b) Leila and her family have left town.
(c) Betsy won't be coming back after vacation.
(d) Nana said she needs to be grounded.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Nana ask Hattie to help her do one day?

2. What does Cookie want to see at the carnival?

3. At the funeral, Hattie says that being called a freak and other names _____________________.

4. What is Cookie's real name?

5. What do Hattie and Leila have for lunch at the carnival?

Short Essay Questions

1. What perspective does Leila give Hattie about sideshow performers?

2. How does Adam react on the Ferris Wheel ride?

3. What does Hattie learn about her family that shows that they don't really talk to each other?

4. What conflict does Hattie have with Adam and Leila's birthday party plans for her and why does Nana eventually agree to let the party proceed?

5. How does Hattie feel about Cookie and in what way does Cookie not understand Hattie?

6. Why is Adam chastised at Hattie's birthday party at Nana's house?

7. What is Mom's explanation when Hattie asks why she never had any other children?

8. What does Hattie explain about the ways friends can come into your life?

9. What does Hattie think about the sideshow acts when she learns that a carnival is coming to town?

10. Describe Adam's day at the carnival with Hattie and Leila.

(see the answer keys)

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