A Confederacy of Dunces Test | Final Test - Easy

John Kennedy Toole
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Confederacy of Dunces Test | Final Test - Easy

John Kennedy Toole
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What passes them as they drive away?
(a) A Charity ambulance
(b) A car full of gangsters
(c) A police car
(d) Claude's car

2. What does Mrs Levy do to Trixie when she threatens to leave?
(a) Pins her to the sofa
(b) Ties her up
(c) Trips her over
(d) Knocks her out

3. Where do Dorian's relatives live?
(a) Los Angeles
(b) Florida
(c) New York
(d) Nebraska

4. To what name did Gus once want Levy Pants to be changed?
(a) Levy Trousers
(b) 501 Pants
(c) Levy Denims
(d) Gus Pants

5. Which earlier character approaches Ignatius' hot dog stand?
(a) The cockatoo
(b) Clyde
(c) Darlene
(d) Dorian

6. Ignatius thinks Irene has fallen under the influence of _________.
(a) The Green Party
(b) Communists
(c) Liberal activists
(d) A right-wing fringe group

7. Whose picture does Santa kiss?
(a) Her son's
(b) Her late husband's
(c) Her mother's
(d) Howard Hughes'

8. Which two characters chained Timmy to the wall?
(a) Fred and Ginger
(b) Frankie and Johnny
(c) Billy and Raoul
(d) Davis and Jack

9. When will Ignatius arrive back home?
(a) Midnight
(b) Early evening
(c) Late afternoon
(d) In two days

10. With what color does Dorian decorate his building?
(a) Apple green
(b) Blood red
(c) Canary yellow
(d) Goat white

11. Which character has Ignatius blackmailed?
(a) Clyde
(b) Claude
(c) Lana
(d) George

12. What does Annie vow to do when she sees the newspaper?
(a) Raise money to get Ignatius out of hospital
(b) Leave the area
(c) Rally the neighbors to sign a petition
(d) Organize her own political party

13. Where does Gus threaten to ship his wife?
(a) San Juan
(b) Kenya
(c) Grimsby
(d) France

14. From whom has Ignatius had complaints?
(a) Local businesses
(b) His family
(c) The hot dog vendor association
(d) The board of health

15. What are the names of the three tough women?
(a) Betty, Jane and Georgie
(b) Frieda, Betty and Liz
(c) Frieda, Betsy and Joanna
(d) Janis, Joan and Kimberly

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Ignatius consider hiding out?

2. What does Santa think that Irene needs?

3. What is the headline on the newspaper?

4. What does Ignatius say he would have preferred to rent?

5. What kind of car does Myrna drive?

(see the answer keys)

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