A Coffin for Dimitrios Test | Final Test - Easy

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A Coffin for Dimitrios Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Peters suggest to Latimer to make him feel better, before they meet Dimitrios?
(a) That he drink another glass of scotch.
(b) That he buy himself a gun.
(c) That he write a last will and testament.
(d) That he sit in a dark corner and hide his face.

2. Why does Peters say to Dimitrios that Latimer is invaluable to him?
(a) He is an Englishman.
(b) He can confirm that Visser is dead.
(c) He has the power to write stories.
(d) He knows Colonel Haki.

3. What does Peters say about drugs to Latimer?
(a) They are beautiful.
(b) He used to be an addict.
(c) He thinks they are wonderful recreational tools.
(d) They are horrible.

4. On the night of their meeting with Dimitrios, what does Peters ask of Latimer before they depart?
(a) If he can have Latimer's address in England.
(b) If he will lend him some money.
(c) If he can get Latimer's autograph.
(d) If he will stay for one more night while the deal goes through.

5. What month does Latimer arrive in Paris?
(a) September.
(b) November.
(c) April.
(d) August.

6. What was Grodek's mission in Belgrade?
(a) Assassinate the Prime Minister.
(b) Obtain a map of a minefield.
(c) Become a mole in the army.
(d) Motivate the troops.

7. What type of Yacht did Dimitrios have for his trip with Visser?
(a) Italian.
(b) Polish.
(c) French.
(d) Greek.

8. Whose face did Dimitrios once spit in during a meeting?
(a) Visser.
(b) The Grand Duchess.
(c) Vazoff.
(d) Peters.

9. When Latimer and Peters go to the hotel room, what does Latimer become afraid of?
(a) Peters messing the meeting up.
(b) Peters pulling his gun on him.
(c) Dimitrios being able to find him afterward.
(d) Dimitrios not showing up.

10. What does Latimer say Grodek is retired from?
(a) Being a gambler.
(b) Being a hitman.
(c) Being an executive at a bank.
(d) Being a master spy.

11. How did Visser track Dimitrios down after he was released from prison?
(a) He held Peters up at gunpoint for the information on Dimitrios.
(b) He infiltrated each clinic posing as a doctor.
(c) He pretended to be a patient of each clinic till he saw Dimitrios.
(d) He went to clinics and said he was referred by a Monsiuer Rougemont.

12. What kind of cats does Grodek have?
(a) Siamese.
(b) Black.
(c) Albino.
(d) Calicos.

13. After Latimer dines with Peters on the day before the meeting with Dimitrios, what ailment begins to plague him?
(a) A headache.
(b) Fainting.
(c) Dizziness.
(d) A stomachache.

14. What is Grodek's first name?
(a) Wladyslaw.
(b) Witold.
(c) Peter.
(d) John.

15. What famous leader does Grodek quote when talking to Latimer?
(a) Alexander the Great.
(b) Napoleon.
(c) Ceasar.
(d) Ghengis Khan.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much money did Peters lend Visser during the time that Visser was looking for DImitrios?

2. Which famous work does Latimer think is part of Dimitrios' philosophy?

3. Who is the letter addressed to that Latimer writes in Chapter 9?

4. What kind of rugs are in Peters' apartment?

5. What is Latimer's first impression of Dimitrios when he walks into the hotel room?

(see the answer keys)

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