A Civil Action Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jonathan Harr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Civil Action Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jonathan Harr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who sends the Woburn case to Jerome Facher?
(a) Assistant general counsel of Beatrice Foods.
(b) The litigation attorney for Beatrice Foods.
(c) General counsel of Beatrice Foods.
(d) Schlictmann.

2. What is the name of the law firm that was initially contacted about the leukemia clusters?
(a) Reed & Mulligan.
(b) Conway & Mulligan.
(c) Roisman & Mulligan.
(d) Jones & Mulligan.

3. Who says, "Through trials, society seeks not only to discover the truth about a past event, but also to forge a link between crime and punishment, between wrong and liability."
(a) Klieman.
(b) Blackman.
(c) Nesson.
(d) Skinner.

4. Who is the manager of Riley Tannery?
(a) John Cordelia.
(b) Henry Riley.
(c) John Riley.
(d) Robert Reed.

5. What is Skinner's reputation as a judge?
(a) Hard to deal with.
(b) Fair but tough.
(c) Biased.
(d) Tough.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Tom Kiley?

2. After meeting with lawyers, what Grace Chemical employee says "I do believe I'm on the wrong side of this whole thing."

3. Who writes a letter for publication in the Woburn Daily Times asking for parents with children who have been diagnosed with leukemia to meet?

4. In the 1970s who is the world's foremost expert in leukemia clusters?

5. At a before trial settlement conference, how much does Schlictmann propose as a settlement?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the status of the Woburn case when Mulligan gave the case to Schlictmann, and why does Mulligan give it to him?

2. Why does Cheeseman want to change the venue of the trial from state to federal court?

3. When Dr. John Truman is convinced that the number of incidents of leukemia constitute a cluster, what does he do?

4. Explain in a few sentences the nature of the complaint in the Woburn case.

5. What is the official city response to the citizen's committee to do something about the water?

6. Briefly describe Jerome Facher's legal qualifications.

7. What is Neil Jacobs' conclusion after interviewing John Riley?

8. Why does John J. Riley sell the tannery to Beatrice Foods?

9. What does the three year Harvard School of Public Health Study of Woburn conclude?

10. What is Charles Nesson's initial reaction to the Woburn case?

(see the answer keys)

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