A Civil Action Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Jonathan Harr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Civil Action Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Jonathan Harr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Negotiation.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the pre-trial publicity, which publication calls the Woburn case "a bellwether case?"
(a) The New York Times.
(b) Newsweek.
(c) Business Week.
(d) The Washington Post.

2. What law firm represents Grace Chemical Company?
(a) Mason and Dunn.
(b) Foley, Hoag, and Eliot.
(c) Hale and Door.
(d) Schlictmann and Conway.

3. Who says: "Frankly, I'm in this for the punitive damages."
(a) Nesson.
(b) Conway.
(c) Schlictmann.
(d) Crowley.

4. Who said: "Being in trial . . . is like being submerged in deep water for weeks at a time. The world above becomes a faint echo."
(a) Cheeseman.
(b) Conway.
(c) Schlictmann.
(d) Facher.

5. Why does Roisman drop the Woburn case?
(a) Too costly.
(b) He didn't like working with Schlictmann.
(c) He thought he would lose the case.
(d) Too high profile.

Short Answer Questions

1. At a before trial settlement conference, how much does Schlictmann propose as a settlement?

2. On the day the lawyers return to the courtroom to meet with Judge Skinner, Eustis is sitting in the front row of the courtroom gallery. What is he reading?

3. When Schlictmann's firm is in serious financial trouble right before the trial of phase 2, what excuse does Gordon use to fend off creditor West Publishing in St. Paul, Minnesota?

4. When Schlictmann meets with his client families in his offices in August, which family says "We're all in this together. That's how we started, and that's how we'll stay."?

5. Where do the Schlictmann team stay when they went to New York for the negotiations?

(see the answer key)

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