A Children's Tragedy Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Children's Tragedy Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many times has Moritz failed in class?
(a) Three.
(b) Four.
(c) Two.
(d) Five.

2. Why does Moritz claim to appear to Melchior at the end of the play?
(a) He says he was sent to keep Melchior company.
(b) He says he was sent to tell Melchior the truth about Wendla.
(c) He says Melchior disturbed his grave.
(d) He says Melchior is going to be punished for his role in Wendla's death.

3. What does Moritz debate as being worth staying alive for?
(a) Melchior's friendship.
(b) Experiencing sex.
(c) Marriage.
(d) His family.

4. How is Melchior permitted to answer questions in Act III, Scene 1?
(a) Written answers only.
(b) Yes and no.
(c) Nodding or shaking his head.
(d) True or false.

5. What has Moritz threatened to do if he cannot leave the country?
(a) Kill his parents.
(b) Run away to a new city.
(c) Renounce God.
(d) Commit suicide.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the Act II, Scene 2, what event has occurred within Wendla's family?

2. How does Mrs. Gabor defend Melchior after Moritz's death?

3. Where does Act II, Scene 3 take place?

4. In Act II, Scene 1, what does Moritz tell Melchior he has been doing constantly?

5. Where is Wendla in Act III, Scene 5?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Mrs. Bergmann explain sex to Wendla after Ina has a baby?

2. Why do the professors want to expel Melchior from school?

3. What philosophy does Melchior claim to believe? What action follows in the hayloft?

4. Describe Moritz's story to Melchior.

5. What favor has Moritz asked of Mrs. Gabor? What does he admit to her?

6. How does Rentier Stiefel react to Moritz's death?

7. What is the argument between Melchior's parents after Moritz's death?

8. What is Hanschen's relationship to "Venus?"

9. How do Stickytongue and Melchior try to defend "Copulation?"

10. Why is Mrs. Gabor concerned about Moritz and Melchior reading Faust? How is this significant?

(see the answer keys)

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