A Children's Tragedy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Children's Tragedy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Melchior plan to escape from the reformatory?
(a) Through the windows.
(b) Through the cellar.
(c) Climbing to the roof.
(d) Hiding in the farmer's hay wagon.

2. Mr. Gabor shows his wife a letter from Melchior in the third scene of Act III.III, Scene 3. Who is it addressed to?
(a) Mr. Gabor.
(b) Moritz.
(c) Rektor Sunstroke.
(d) Wendla.

3. Where does Act II, Scene 4 take place?
(a) Church.
(b) Wendla's bedroom.
(c) Riverbank.
(d) Hayloft.

4. What does Ilsa do in lieu of going to school?
(a) Model for artists.
(b) Baker's assistant.
(c) Prostitution.
(d) She sells flowers.

5. In the Act II, Scene 2, what event has occurred within Wendla's family?
(a) Her sister has died in childbirth.
(b) Wendla's father dies.
(c) Wendla's sister is arrested for prostitution.
(d) Her sister has had a baby.

6. What does the masked man offer to do for Melchior?
(a) Protect Melchior from memories of Moritz and Wendla.
(b) Guide him to adulthood.
(c) Guide him to death.
(d) Protect Melchior from the hardships in life.

7. What is revealed as the actual cause of Wendla's death?
(a) Abortion pills.
(b) Childbirth.
(c) Suicide.
(d) Influenza.

8. What does Melchior do to Wendla at the end of Act II, Scene 4?
(a) He takes her home.
(b) He runs away with her.
(c) He rapes her.
(d) He beats her.

9. What did Mrs. Bergmann tell Wendla about her sister's bed rest?
(a) Wendla was told Ina was recovering from surgery.
(b) Wendla was told Ina broke her leg.
(c) Wendla was told Ina had the flu.
(d) Wendla was told Ina was having a baby.

10. Where does the second scene of Act III take place?
(a) Melchior's home.
(b) Moritz's funeral.
(c) The hayloft.
(d) The riverbank.

11. At the end of Act II, Scene 1, what do Melchior and Moritz wonder about?
(a) If their peers are having sex.
(b) If sex is truly necessary.
(c) How girls can enjoy sex.
(d) If their conversations are being eavesdropped upon.

12. What explanation does Mrs. Bergmann give to Wendla's question in Act II, Scene 2?
(a) Babies come from women loving their husbands.
(b) Babies come from the church.
(c) Babies come from sex.
(d) Babies come from women praying very hard for one.

13. How does Hanschen feel about the painting?
(a) He is fascinated by the artistry of the picture.
(b) He is repulsed by the woman.
(c) He is attracted to the sexuality of the painting.
(d) He is intrigued by the colors.

14. What does Hanschen admit to himself at the end of Act II, Scene 3?
(a) He will never be attracted to a real woman.
(b) He will never be aroused without thinking of that picture again.
(c) He will be aroused by other images in the future.
(d) He will forget about the picture shortly.

15. How does Mrs. Bergmann attempt to explain her new grandson to Wendla?
(a) The stork.
(b) Cabbage patches.
(c) Adoption.
(d) He appeared on the doorstep.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Wendla angry with her mother after hearing the truth about her condition?

2. What is Wendla's mood while she picks flowers in Act II?

3. In Act II, Scene 1, what does Moritz tell Melchior he has been doing constantly?

4. Whom does Moritz fantasize about in the last scene of the second act?

5. What has Moritz threatened to do if he cannot leave the country?

(see the answer keys)

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