A Children’s Bible Test | Final Test - Easy

Lydia Millet
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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A Children’s Bible Test | Final Test - Easy

Lydia Millet
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do the teens try to get into the burning barn?
(a) Eve is worried Jack is in there.
(b) They want to save the soldiers.
(c) They are worried the baby is in there.
(d) They are worried the angels or Burl could be inside.

2. What does the owner's text to Eve say?
(a) Burl and the angels are with the owner and safe.
(b) Eve should take any books she wants to borrow.
(c) Eve and the others have to leave the farm soon.
(d) There is another bad storm coming.

3. When does Jack's owl begin flying again?
(a) After the band is taken off its leg.
(b) After he and Shel take off its bandage.
(c) After the owl finds another owl.
(d) After it loses its feathers.

4. What does the owner of the farm look like?
(a) She is middle-aged and very average looking.
(b) She is young and tall.
(c) She is very old and wizened, and she walks with a cane.
(d) She is older and small, dressed all in black.

5. Where are the soldiers living?
(a) A Wendy's.
(b) A gas station.
(c) A McDonald's.
(d) A Wal-Mart.

6. Whose mother comes to the refuge where the teenagers have landed?
(a) Evie's.
(b) Dees.
(c) Juicy's.
(d) Sukey's.

7. What does Eve think of the governor's state of mind in Chapter 8, during their negotiations?
(a) She thinks he might be high.
(b) She thinks he is very sharp and thinking clearly.
(c) She thinks he is having some kind of psychotic break.
(d) She thinks he is not fully conscious.

8. What do the angels do during their ceremony for Sukey's mother's burial?
(a) Sing.
(b) Dig.
(c) Turn their backs.
(d) They do not attend the ceremony.

9. What does Burl go to the convenience store or gas station to buy?
(a) Tape.
(b) Chemicals.
(c) Diapers and baby formula.
(d) Bandages.

10. Who stitches up Darla's wounds?
(a) John.
(b) Mattie.
(c) Burl.
(d) Eve.

11. Why do the teenagers and others on the farm give up their tradition of keeping watch?
(a) The storms cut down on their visibility and they are afraid of the lightning.
(b) The owner told them not to do it.
(c) Burl told them they did not need to watch any longer.
(d) They got bored.

12. What does Evie overhear the trail angels discussing?
(a) Who has the most money.
(b) Who will adopt the baby.
(c) How they will steal all the food in the silo.
(d) How to best bury Sukey's mother.

13. Why do Burl and Val go to the top of the hill in Chapter 5?
(a) To see the view.
(b) To get a cell signal.
(c) To talk to Burl's friends up there.
(d) To look for food.

14. What happens to the storms by the time they make it inland?
(a) They are more ferocious.
(b) They are tamer.
(c) They bring more lightning overall.
(d) They bring more water overall.

15. Who do the soldiers tie to a tree in torture?
(a) Mattie.
(b) Darla.
(c) Luca.
(d) John.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following is one of the owner's ground rules for the farm?

2. Who convinces Jack and Shel to free the animals?

3. Who does Eve credit with getting the teenagers to safety?

4. What does Luca tell the soldiers who come to the farm?

5. Why does Sukey's mother die?

(see the answer keys)

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