A Children’s Bible Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lydia Millet
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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A Children’s Bible Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lydia Millet
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who figures out who Eve's mother is?
(a) Jen.
(b) Dee.
(c) David.
(d) Terry.

2. Who comes to the delta in Chapter 2 who has been missing from the great house?
(a) David.
(b) Jen.
(c) Alycia.
(d) Dee.

3. Why do the parents say they can not leave the great house in Chapter 4?
(a) They have nowhere else to go.
(b) They need to repair the storm damage or they will not get their deposit back.
(c) They have to wait for the house's owner to return their calls.
(d) They can not drive under the influence.

4. Who goes to the great house to get food in Chapter 4?
(a) Sukey and Terry.
(b) Eve and Jen.
(c) Dee and David.
(d) Terry and David.

5. What does David do to the yacht that he later feels guilty about?
(a) Drains its gas tank.
(b) Ruins its exhaust system.
(c) Sabotages its navigation system.
(d) Scratches its perfect finish.

6. What do Jack and Shel bring into the house in Chapter 3 that alarms Eve?
(a) A beehive.
(b) A snake.
(c) A scorpion.
(d) A squirrel.

7. What does Kay do to Amy in Chapter 3?
(a) Stabs her with a stick.
(b) Hits her in the head with a rock.
(c) Pushes her into a bee nest.
(d) Trips her.

8. What or who is hit by lightning in Chapter 4?
(a) One of the pet dogs.
(b) The weathervane.
(c) Terry's skunk.
(d) Dee.

9. What had been added to the treehouses by previous visitors to the house?
(a) Drawings, names, initials, and etchings.
(b) Radios.
(c) Watercolors.
(d) Metal roofing.

10. How does Evie refer to the group of other teenagers the group meets in Chapter 2?
(a) The islanders.
(b) The goobs.
(c) The yacht kids.
(d) The shrimpers.

11. What is Jack's favorite book?
(a) George and Martha One Find Day.
(b) Persnickety Willow.
(c) Fresh One.
(d) Green Eggs and Ham.

12. What does Evie's mother teach?
(a) Mathematics.
(b) Feminist theory.
(c) Law.
(d) Medical ethics.

13. Who is Evie's favorite person?
(a) Shel.
(b) Juicy.
(c) Jack.
(d) Ricky.

14. How does Evie describe Val?
(a) As a poor artist.
(b) As a witty wordsmith.
(c) As a tomboy who does not say much.
(d) As a great athlete.

15. How does Evie find out the identity of Low's father?
(a) Low's father gives him his EpiPen.
(b) Low's father gives him his inhaltor.
(c) Low's father pulls him by the ear away from the water.
(d) Low's father berates him for not helping with the preparations.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Evie find Jen and Terry during the storm preparations?

2. What do the teenagers do with one mother's lipstick?

3. What does Terry ask the parents not to do in Chapter 1?

4. What does Shel do when he does not want to leave the treehouse?

5. What do the parents do when they realize the teenagers are leaving the great house all together?

(see the answer keys)

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