A Certain Slant of Light Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Laura Whitcomb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Certain Slant of Light Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Laura Whitcomb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Helen do as James sleeps?
(a) She explores the house.
(b) She goes outside to look at the stars.
(c) She watches him.
(d) She sleeps.

2. How did Helen feel about her husband when she was alive?
(a) She loved him with all her heart.
(b) She had a husband, but not a real true love.
(c) She hated him.
(d) She respected him, but didn't love him.

3. What happens as the preacher begins to talk?
(a) The mother gasps.
(b) Helen moves into the girl's body.
(c) People begin to walk away.
(d) The girl gets angry.

4. What does Helen discover when she gets back to Mr. Brown's house after seeing James' house?
(a) She is more in love with Mr. Brown than ever.
(b) The house is wrecked.
(c) She can't get in the house.
(d) His house is no longer appealing.

5. What flash memory does Helen have as she sees a girl hiding a book?
(a) She is writing.
(b) She is holding a child.
(c) She is taking a small blue book out of brown paper.
(d) She is eating an apple.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does James think Helen will feel when Helen gets a body?

2. How does the girl act at home?

3. How did James come to be in Billy's body?

4. Who is the ghost cleaving to as this story begins?

5. What food does Helen crave?

Short Essay Questions

1. What reaction does Helen have when she hears Mr. and Mrs. Brown discuss having children?

2. How does meeting James change how Helen feels about Mr. and Mrs. Brown?

3. Why is using James as a host so unique for Helen, and how does she respond to his asking her to haunt him?

4. How do the ghost and the boy meet, and what is her reaction to him?

5. Who is the boy and how did he get in the body?

6. What happens when the ghost gets too distant from her host, and how does she prevent this?

7. Where is Helen when she gets her first flash memory and what does she see?

8. Helen inadvertently kisses James. How do they both react?

9. How does James respond when Helen asks if there are others like her?

10. How does Helen get to know James better and what do they do together?

(see the answer keys)

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