A Certain Slant of Light Test | Final Test - Easy

Laura Whitcomb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Certain Slant of Light Test | Final Test - Easy

Laura Whitcomb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Helen announce after smelling gardenias in the room?
(a) Jenny's father is having an affair.
(b) Something smells like betrayal.
(c) Someone in the room is committing adultery.
(d) Something smells good.

2. What does Jenny's mom think of James?
(a) She thinks he is funny.
(b) She thinks he is very handsome.
(c) She isn't happy he's with her daughter.
(d) He makes her angry.

3. What does school food taste like to Helen?
(a) Home.
(b) Cardboard.
(c) Delicious.
(d) Different from what she remembers.

4. What is the kitchen like?
(a) It is a hub of activity.
(b) Everything is in place and wrapped perfectly.
(c) Everything is obviously loved.
(d) It is a mess.

5. What does the person to whom she reads her writing do?
(a) She asks her to write more.
(b) He asks her if she needs to go to a counselor.
(c) She walks away.
(d) He kisses her.

6. Who do Cathy and Dan think Helen has been intimate with?
(a) Mr. Brown.
(b) James.
(c) No-one.
(d) Billy.

7. What happens when James and Helen touch for the first time at school?
(a) Helen has a memory.
(b) She passes out.
(c) Nothing.
(d) He passes out.

8. What does James ask Helen?
(a) He asks if she will go on a date with him.
(b) He asks her to help him with his homework.
(c) He asks her if he can come over.
(d) He asks her to stop calling him.

9. What does James see in a tree?
(a) A bird.
(b) Nothing.
(c) A hat.
(d) A nest.

10. What distracts Helen from learning?
(a) She can't wait for lunch.
(b) She keeps thinking about James.
(c) She keeps catching sight of her reflection.
(d) She is fascinated with the way the books are bound.

11. What does Helen learn about after breakfast the next morning?
(a) Her school schedule.
(b) The dangers of disobeying God's will.
(c) Nothing. Her parents won't talk with her.
(d) Dating wholesome boys.

12. Who else is visiting Billy's father?
(a) Mitch.
(b) Helen.
(c) His mother.
(d) Billy.

13. What did Billy's father do to Billy?
(a) He threw the boy out the window.
(b) He ignored the boy.
(c) He told the boy he hates his family.
(d) He tried to kidnap Billy.

14. What does Helen see when James asks what she remembers about her death?
(a) She sees dark water rushing past a broken plank.
(b) Flashing lights.
(c) Nothing.
(d) A simple, peaceful light.

15. What does Helen tell Dan when he tries to purify Jennifer?
(a) To cut it out.
(b) She is already pure.
(c) He should purify himself before he purifies her.
(d) She is not his child.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Helen respond to Cathy?

2. Why is Helen nervous as she sets the table?

3. What does Helen hear after she whispers for God to come into her heart?

4. Who does Helen try to protect in her memory?

5. What does Helen think of the shower?

(see the answer keys)

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