A Case of Need Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Case of Need Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As John plans his strategy for Thursday, he gets a phone call from whom?
(a) Angela Harding.
(b) Peter Randall.
(c) J.D. Randall.
(d) Betty Lee.

2. Why did Peter refuse to perform another abortion on Karen?
(a) He concluded that she really wanted the shame of an illegitimate birth.
(b) She was too far along in her pregnancy.
(c) He decided she would be left with too much internal scarring.
(d) He was angry with her.

3. When John and George arrive at the Randall residence, what are they surprised to see out front?
(a) Members of the KKK.
(b) Karen's car.
(c) Police officers.
(d) Peter's car.

4. What does John learn from Murphy about the results of blood tests done on Karen?
(a) She was an alcoholic.
(b) She had a rare liver disease.
(c) She was not pregnant.
(d) She had AIDS.

5. What happens to John when he tries to follow Roman Jones?
(a) He is kidnapped.
(b) He is knocked unconscious.
(c) He is hit by a car.
(d) He is shot.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why do John Berry and George Wilson decide to go talk to J.D. Randall?

2. The new attorney who has taken on Art's case is George __________.

3. How does John locate Sam Archer?

4. Without being noticed, John and George follow J.D. Randall and Peter Randall and watch them do what?

5. After talking with Dr. Sanderson, John learns that Peter Randall __________.

Short Essay Questions

1. Although Sanderson and John can easily shift the blame to Peter Randall and away from Art Lee, John has his misgivings. Why?

2. What challenges does George Wilson, Art Lee's new lawyer, face in trying to convince a jury of Art's innocence?

3. During the dinner party at George Morris' house, how do different people interact with John Berry?

4. Summarize John Berry's meeting with Roman Jones.

5. What does Norton tell John is missing from Memorial Hospital?

6. What secret information does Sanderson reveal to John about Peter Randall?

7. How do Angela and Bubbles act towards John when he meets them and asks about Karen?

8. How does John's hunch pay off when he meets Angela Harding?

9. Why does Peter refuse to perform an abortion on Karen the last time she asks him for one?

10. After John helps Betty Lee board up the broken windows in her house and tends to her children's cuts, he calls attorney George Wilson. What do he and George agree to do?

(see the answer keys)

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